Chapter 7

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Y/n looked at the ground, unsure whether to be happy or sad. Her father was a terrible man, but then again he was still her father. She then decided that it's pointless grieving over his death, she didn't value his life.

She looked up and stared into M/N's eyes with no emotion,
" I don't care, he deserved it,"

M/N couldn't keep in her gasp off shock as Y/n got up. She continued,
" He didn't care about this family, if he had the chance he would leave us. Why should I care for someone who didn't even care for us?"

She then walked upstairs leaving a speechless mother. Throughout the weeks of being Tsukasa's friend, she's been taught a few things. The main one is to never care about someone who doesn't care for you.

Y/n sighed and threw her backpack in the corner of her room and got changed into her pyjamas. She tucked herself into bed and stared at the ceiling before falling asleep.

Meanwhile with Tsukasa, he was sat in the broadcasting room with Sakura. It was silent as she did her homework and Tsukasa just lying in the couch. Sakura sighed and turned around,
" Tsukasa, what's going on between you and Y/n?"

Tsukasa looked at her with a curious look,
" What do you mean?"

Sakura continued, glancing at him every few seconds,
" you've been way more clingy than you usually are and you get overprotective over her. I can tell by the look on your face that you like her,"

Tsukasa grinned,
" Well of course, who wouldn't have a crush on a beautiful girl like Y/n. She is mine after all,"


The week has been great. Y/n ate lunch with Yashiro, Hanako and Minamoto on the roof happily together everyday. Y/n and Tsukasa have been playing together at break time, sometimes in class. What Y/n doesn't know is that Hanako has been slowly developing feelings for her and getting more jealous of Tsukasa by the minute.

Y/n was on the rooftop alone, watching the view from the roof. The wind blew her hair as the coldness pricked her skin. She watched as the birds flew in the sky as they tweeted to each other.

A voice behind her spoke,
" Y/n, I have something to tell you,"

She turned around to see Hanako standing there. He was fiddling with his thumbs meaning he's anxious about something. His gaze was stuck on the ground, making you wonder what was making him so nervous.

Y/n asked,
" What's wrong?"

Hanako began to step closer to Y/n, making her back against the wall. Soon there was no room for Y/n to move as Hanako was stood a few inches from her body. He lifted her chin and stared into her E/C colored eyes.

He exclaimed,
" I like you Y/n, I always have,"

Then he kissed Y/n on the lips, her eyes widened in shock. His lips were soft and warm with his arms curled around her waist, pulling her closer. She didn't know what to do, she's never been in a situation like this before.

A voice appeared behind Hanako,
" Wow Amane, are you trying to take what's mine,"

He let go of Y/n and turned around to see his twin brother standing there with a psychotic grin. Black smoke appeared around Y/n and soon she was in Tsukasa's grasp. His arms were wrapped around her waist from behind with his chin resting on her shoulder.

Hanako gritted his teeth in anger and irritation,
" Tsukasa, let her go,"

Tsukasa chuckled in response,
" You shouldn't touch things that belong to me Amane, otherwise bad things will happen,"

Y/n's eyes widen at his statement as her cheeks turned red. She could feel Tsukasa's smirk from her reaction behind her. Hanako was about to attack but Tsukasa teleported them before he could reach them.

They landed in an empty broad casting room, only to have Y/n pinned against the desk. Tsukasa grinned as he pinned her hands beside her with their lips inches away from each other.

Tsukasa asked,
" Tell me Y/n, do you like Hanako back?"

Y/n gulped nervously before responding,
" No, I don't like him back,"

Tsukasa was happy by her response,
" Good, because I'm going to have to mark you mine,"

She was confused for a second before his lips crashed onto hers roughly but also with passion. She couldn't help but gasp in surprise making him force his tongue into her mouth, exploring every inch.

His hands gripped her hips tightly before moving down to her neck. She gasped at the feeling of his tongue on her neck. He began to suck and bite, causing her to let out a small whimper. He pulled away and smirked at the hickey on her neck, proud that he's marked her.

Tsukasa looked at Y/n who was blushing like crazy,
" would you be my girlfriend, Y/n?"

Y/n nodded with a smile,
" Of course,"

To tell the truth, Y/n has always had feelings for Tsukasa. He was always there for her when she needed someone to hold on too and he always played and laughed with her. He was the reason why she was still alive to this day.

Tsukasa went back to his childish personality and cheered whilst floating in the air. Y/n laughed at his reaction before kissing him on the cheek.

Throughout the last three days, Tsukasa has been with her every second and every minute of the day. He would never keep his eyes of her, so no one can touch his girl.

After class finished, she kissed Tsukasa on the cheek to say goodbye,
" I have to go home now, I'll see you tomorrow, okay? "

Tsukasa whined before pouting like a puppy,
" Do you have to?"

Y/n giggled before placing a black bracelet on his wrist that was similar to hers,
" I got us bracelets that represent our relationship. We will never take them off, "

Tsukasa grinned happily before hugging her tightly, whilst burring his face in the crook of her neck.

He whispered,
" I love you, Y/n. Don't ever leave me,"

Y/n hugged back and commented,
" I'll never leave you Tsukasa, and that's a promise",

The girl with power ( Tsukasa x fem reader )Where stories live. Discover now