There's no escape

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  • Dedicated to Jenny Danby


The wooded of the timber floors felt cold against my feet. An ominous silence filled the house. This was so unlike my mother. As soon as I walked through the door she would hug me by now and tell me all about her day.

Standing in the door way there was no sight of her.

“Mum, I am home,” I called thinking that she might not have heard me walk in.

Though after five second of silence I froze, something was very wrong here. I just couldn’t put my finger on it.

That’s when I saw. A shinny pool of liquored at the top of the stairs. I don’t know what possessed me to check it out; I think I knew what it was before I even saw it. It was a light pool of blood. Dropping my bag I ran after the trail that led to my room. Pushing the door open there mum sat tied to a chair. Covered in blood, running to her I pulled the tape off her mouth.

“Mum wake up,” I begged her tears falling down my face, but she didn’t move. She was dead, and had been for a little while.

My bedroom door slamming behind me shocked me out of my head. There stood Glen. Of cause he would do this. No one else I knew was insane enough to kill a sweet woman like my mother in cold blood.

In his hand the blood cover blade of the knife he used to kill my mother. Anger burnt in me. I hated him.

“Why Glen?” I begged tears falling down my face “Why do this to me, what did I ever do to you?” I asked.

He stepped closer to me. Frozen in fear I couldn’t move an inch.

“She was stopping us being together Amber,” He said with a crazed look in his eyes “Now we can be together forever,” He said going for my hand I pushed it away.

“You thought killing my mum would make me love  you,” I said wanted so badly to sick that knife in his chest. But the chances of me getting it out of his hands then into his heart without him stabbing me with it were slim to none.

With an anger burning in his eyes he pushed me down onto the bed, scrabbling away from him I got hold of one of my pen. This would have to do. Hiding it under my back he climbed on top of me knife in his hand.

“Wait, wait,” I cried


“Because I love you Glen,” I cried

He lowered his knife and looked down at me. How could I have ever been attracted to this man? He was far from another normal and stable.

“I knew you did,”

He put his lips against mind I got a good grip on the pen and stabbed him in the leg with it as hard as u could. As he screamed out in pain I tried to crawl away, but something grabbed a hold my leg pulling me back.

“Come back here you fucking whore,”

With a firm kick to the face I go to my feet and ran as I fast as I could till I made it to the neighbour’s house. In a state of shock I just sat there I on their couch covered in blood.

That was the moment I knew nothing would be the same again.   

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