Chapter 29

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*later back at hotel*

I was told that we were leaving tomorrow so I had to pack up.
I grabbed my clothes and folded them into my suitcase. my makeup went into a small case that I placed next to my clothes and shoes.

By the time I was done packing, it was getting dark so I got ready for bed. I changed in a random t-shirt and shorts to sleep in.

Matt came in the room minutes later and belly flopped onto the bed. I laughed and crawled into bed next to him.

"Are you ready to go to the next state?"
I nodded "I'm all done packing my things"

I actually have no clue on what state was next but I guess that's the beauty of finding out.

"I'll finish packing before we leave tomorrow" he said. Typical Matt, always completing his tasks last minute.

Matt laid his arm over my stomach and pulled me closer to him with his head on the back of my neck.

So yea, I did delete the other chapters and we are back here. It's only because I thought I was kinda rushing the story with the whole "a year later" thing.

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