Chapter 1 - Run

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It was the first day of High School , I had stayed home all summer and read books . Uhh ... I thought to my self maybe I should change, wouldn't want to get late to school on the first day.
"Well Good Morning to you too young lady!" My Dad said as I rushed through the hallway to get to the bathroom. "Sorry dad I'm kinda Busy!" I said as I close the bathroom door. These Two weeks my Mom Went outside of town to do her job and Interview a Rock Band. My dad and I have been Facetiming her everyday.
As I got to school , I notice a lot faces that seem somewhat Familiar .

"Hey , where have you been all Summer? You missed Elle party, you lucky she's not mad at you !" Rose said while grabbing my arm around hers. Rose has been my best friend since Middle school and she's always been so cheerful and uplifting. " I was Busy, I had a lot of things going on summer , plus you know I don't like going outside when it's too sunny 😒" I said to her with a shallow voice I knew she wouldn't believe me but it was worth the try. " Oh Come on Adaly , like if I would believe that, You Probably was home reading books like you always do, you have to have fun I mean We're in high school now . You know what I heard Jack Is throwing a Party at His House tonight. Why don't we Go together and Have fun for once ,please?" . She stop walking and got in front of me facing towards me and gave me her puppy eyes . There was no way I could say no to her because she always won . " Okay Fine we will go but you better promise me You won't leave me Alone in the party , okay ?" I said with a Half smile on my face . " Okay I promise , bye now I think I'm late !!" She said as she ran off to get class.

Oh crap I think I'm Late too in my thoughts I was also thinking what the hell am I going to wear tonight as I ran to my class . All of the Sudden I was in the floor , about a second ago I was running now I'm in floor . " I'm Sorry, Are You Okay?" A manly voice said. I looked up He was white so pale compared to me. He had a perfect smile. In the background I could hear people was laughing so hard😂😂 I try to cover my face but his hand held a tight grip on my arm that pulled me up from the floor . "It's okay, Um thank you " I said as I yanked my arm from his hand quickly so I can run to my class and hide my face of shame. "No wait ,it was my fault !" He said as I ran quickly.

Who could he be?👤

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