Chapter One

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Zenitsu's POV:

I watched as the two Uppermoons left the room and gently rubbed my bandaged arm. They drink more than their share again but I didn't have the heart or energy to tell them anything. It's not like I could because if I did then I'd have more bruises today and a sore body. Then again I really couldn't say anything since I lost the ability to speak, I can still vividly remember that awful day...


"Please just let me go! I don't know where to find your stuipd flower and I don't care about!" I cried as tears poured down my face. "What did I say about speaking without permission, Zenitsu?" the man said, grabbing a fistful of yellow hair and pulling on it harshly, "I-I'm sorry please forgive me! I promise to never speak out of term again" I said.

"That's right. You won't because you'll never utter a single word again. Ever." The man brought his knee up against my stomach and then I was thrown against the wall. I could already feel the bruises start to form and tears welled up in my eyes. A rough kick was brought to my stomach. One...two...three....ten.....twenty. The screaming had stopped at the eighth kick and the tears stopped on the twelfth. I wanted to cry but no tears came out. I wanted to scream, to say something but when I opened my mouth no sound came out.

"Well would you look at that?" the man said, "You were closer to your breaking point much more than I thought you were. Did you hear it? The sound of a rope snapping in two? That was the final string of your sanity and free will breaking. Honestly, Zenitsu, I'm impressed. You definitely succeeded my expectations for you.", he roughly grasped my chin so that I would look at him, "Oh you can't say anything can you? I suppose that your brain is using this as a defense mechanism. Your body is filled to the brim with fear and anxiety isn't it? Doesn't it feel amazing, Zenitsu?"

End of Flashback

"I'll kill you! I'll escape and then I'll kill you myself, Muzan. Just you wait" I thought angrily, this was one of the few emotions that I could still feel. Anger, sadness, fear, and pain. I fingered one of the strings of my shamisen, listening to the way it vibrated, I repeated this action several times before I finally zoned out and started playing a random song. I wasn't sure what the song was called but it seemed to be one about love, though it lacked the emotion it was nice to hear. I must've been completely focused on the song because I didn't even hear the footsteps of the demons who walked in until one of them grabbed my face, roughly with their cold hands.

"My, my what a lovely tune you're playing there, Zenitsu", I usually try to not look them in the eyes but this demon, Doma, his eyes were the color of a rainbow, "Leave the kid alone Doma. We're only here to escort him to the lake" another demon, Akaza, said. It honestly surprises me that Muzan always has these two paired together, Akaza obviously hates Doma with every fiber of his being, which is understandable since I don't like him very much either, while Doma seems to respect Akaza, which is weird since he ranks higher than him. "Be patient, Akaza. I'm just playing with him. My, your hair has grown quite long hasn't it? You almost look like a girl" Doma mused as he rubbed a few strands of my hair between his fingers.

It took every bit of self control that I had to not tremble at Doma's sudden change of demeanor. I hate when this happens, he always finds some way to make me uncomfortable. "You're taking too long. Come on, kid let's go" Akaza unlocked the chain around my waist and pulled me to my feet. I tried to not trip since he still had a painful hold on my wrist as he dragged me along with Doma following closely behind. Even though I was scared a rush of excitement ran through my body, I liked when they took me outside because that meant that I could see the beautiful river just half a mile from my prison.

"Ok do what you need to. We'll be over there by that tree. Don't think about escaping because we will find you" Akaza said, I nodded and was about to walk off when Doma pressed a small bundle in my hands. "Put that on when you're done. Your other outfit is basically falling apart", he must've seen the hesitation in my eyes, "Oh calm down I didn't kill anyone for it. I had one of my worshippers buy it.". I didn't hear any lies coming from him so I quickly bowed in thanks and ran off, "Calm down, Zenitsu." I didn't stop running until I got to the river. Once there I dropped the bundle and slowly took my clothes off then carefully lowered my body into the water.

I hissed as the cold water hit my body but beggars can't be choosers, especially in the situation that I'm in. Once I was fully submerged, I started to wash all the dust and dirt from my hair and body. When I was done I changed into the clothes that Doma got me, it was a snow-white kimono that was made from a soft material and wasn't even my size. Nonetheless, I put it on and the red obi sash to tie it around my waist, then put my sunset haori over it. Akaza and Doma were right by the tree they said they would be at, they walked me back to my prison and wrapped the chain around me then left.

This was my everyday routine: wake up, eat if I have any food, play with my shamisen, sleep, wait until some random demon comes to see if I somehow escaped, go to the river (if I'm lucky that is), then spend the night crying myself to sleep. But tonight felt different, there was a weird pit in my stomach. Like something big was about to happen soon....


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