Chapter 2: Ladybug goes Rouge?

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Luka POV

I lay on my bed and sighed, looking at a picture of Marinette and I on my phone.

I lay on my bed and sighed, looking at a picture of Marinette and I on my phone

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"I'm such an idiot. I pushed her to hard and now she hates me." I said to myself.

It's been 3 weeks ever since Marinette and I stopped talking to each other. After Marinette told me that she gave away the Ladybug miraculous, I was shocked. I told her that by giving away the Ladybug miraculous would mean that if The Brotherhood and the akumas target her and her family, she won't be able to defend herself.

She snapped, saying that being Ladybug was a mistake. If she hadn't taken up the mantle, Adrien and Master Fu would've still been alive. Chloe wouldn't be in a coma. And Tommaso wouldn't hate her. She even admitted that Lila was right about her being pathetic and swore that she'll never be Ladybug again.

I told her that if she wasn't Ladybug, we wouldn't have met. We wouldn't be dating. I asked her if our relationship was a mistake. 

She didn't answer and turned her back towards me.

Now, we couldn't even speak to each other. Without Plaag and Sass, I've been pretty lonely and started missing my time as a hero. It pained me to see my friends and my sister fighting akumas and criminals and I had to stand by and do nothing, just watch as they risk their lives, fighting against The Brotherhood.

Suddenly, a notification appeared on my phone from the Bugnet, saying that Ladybug was seen fighting La Volpe and the others along side Rena Rage, Shellshock, Black Hound and Shadow Bull.  I sat up and watched the video.


Roxanne POV

I landed on the ground, clutching my wounded stomach. As I saw Owen fight Shadow Bull, Tom was fighting Ladybug, who swung her yo-yo at him. He quickly backflipped out of the way.

"Marinette, what is with you!?" I shouted as I fired my crossbow at her. She deflected it and swung her yo-yo at me again. I ducked out of the way.

I looked to my left and saw Aria fighting Rena Rage. She swung her staff at her, but Rena blocked it and kneed her in the gut. As she doubled over, Rena swung her staff at Aria, knocking her to the ground. Just before she could finish her off, Golden Cluck stepped in and kicked her backwards. Capra summoned a wall with his paintbrush, blocking Shadow Bull's attacks.

"We're not doing so good right now." I said, wrapping a bandage around my waist.

"I don't get it. Why's Marinette helping the Brotherhood?" Owen asked.

"Maybe she's been akumatized? It happened before." Tom suggested, parrying a shield thrown by Shellshock.

"No way! This is different. If she was akumatized, why is she in her Ladybug alter ego? Something doesn't add up." I replied.

"Then let us divide and conquer." Ladybug said as she summoned a sword and chopped the wall in half. She swung her sword at me, only for Owen to block it with his shield. He tried to swing his shield at her, but Ladybug backflipped out of the way, allowing Black Hound to throw a grenade at us. 

"GET BACK!" Tom shouted as he dragged me away, leading the others away from the grenade before it exploded. The explosion knocked us into a pillar.

As we came too, Ladybug and her new allies left, leaving behind a wake of destruction. After we helped police recover the injured, the crowd recorded everything on their phones, cameras and excreta.

"Smile, we're on camera." Gloria joked.

  "Not the best time, Raton." Owen groaned.

Luka POV

I couldn't believe what I saw. Marinette/Ladybug fighting against my friends with the aid of the Brotherhood? 

"No, this has to be some sort of trick. There's no way that Marinette would do something like this." I muttered.

She wouldn't, right? 

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