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Parks Residence

Jungkook's eyes widened when he saw her face he looked her up and down.

Admiring her slim and curved body shape she was still beautiful as ever.

But the shock on his face was immediately replaced by a sad look.

He was hurt she didn't even care to look at him nor speak to him.

It was clear that she wanted nothing to do with him or their relationship. 

"I got your message what do you want?" Rose asked with her arms crossed.

Over her chest with an emotionless expression on her face.

"Leave all of you" Jimin order in a cold stone voice.

Jisoo was about to protest when Jungkook leaped up and grabbed her.

By the wrist dragging her along with him Lisa looked at Rose.

Rose gave her the 'I'll be okay' look.

Lisa nodded and left along with the others mean while Rose and Jimin.

Were left in the living room together and alone.

Jimin stood up and slowly walked towards Rose his face still left.

Cold and dark. "What you did just cost you your life" he told her.

Rose just snickered. "And what might that be?" She questioned.

With a confused look on her face.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about those girls Twice or whatever".

"I didn't hire them if that's what your asking I barely even know them".

Jimin gritted his teeth together as he stood in front of her.

His breath hitting against her lips making it switch.

Suddenly he grabbed her by the hair yanking on it before he said.

"Don't you dare fucking lie to me Roseanne" he growled.

Rose smirked. "So what if I hired them what're you gonna do about it?".

The way it came out made it sound like a threat to Jimin.

The side of his mouth switched as he fumed with anger.

"You asked them to spy on me for what reason?" He asked.

That's when Rose's expression change.

As she suddenly remembered why she had done all that she did.

"You killed my father Jimin!!!".

"What daughter wouldn't take revenge for something like that".

She cried out gathering up all her strength to push him away from her.

"Don't you dare push me like that again" he warned.

"Why'd you do it?".

She said moving closer to him. "He hurt you Rose I had to make him pay".

"You didn't have to kill him you took away the only".

"Parent I had in a long time!!!".

Tears slowly slipped from Rose's eyes as she stared at Jimin hurt by his actions.

Jimin felt guilty he made the only person he ever loved in a long while.

Cry it broke him as much as it broke her when she found out it was him that.

Killed her father. Rose brought her hand up and roughly wiped away her.

Tears. "I don't need your apology just stay away from me and Angel".

"I don't want my son grow up to know that his father's a complete monster".

And then she turned around and left in seek of Lisa.

And Jimin did nothing but stood there watching the love of his life walk away.

From him he didn't move nor try to stop her from leaving.

"I'm sorry" he finally muttered out.

Kim Residence

"Why'd you come here I thought you joined forces with Jimin?".

Jhope rolled his eyes and picked up the clear glass that was filled with red wine.

"I didn't join forces with anyone it's clear that they hate me".

The man across from him smirked.

"Wouldn't blame them after all you did leave and never came back".

Jhope nodded while drinking his glass of wine.

"I agree anyways what's the next step of your brilliant plan?"

The man stood up and walked over to the balcony he peered down at the.

City before him. "We kidnap the person he loves the most" he said.

Jhope looked at him curiously. "Rose and Angel?" He questioned.

The man shook his head turning around.

"No... just Rose Angel is fine he's just a kid".

Rose's house

Rose opened the door to Angel's bedroom placing to bowl of sliced.

Apples, strawberries and blueberries just like Angel liked it.

"I brought you fruits" she said sitting at the edge of his bed.

When he didn't respond Rose pealed the covers from over his face and stared at.

Him. "I know your upset but it's for the best mommy's trying to protect you".

Angel frowned. "Then why can't I see daddy anymore?".

Rose sighed she turned towards his nightstand and picked up the bowl.

Filled with fruits she picked up a slice of an apple and handed it to the boy.

"Just eat please" she begged.

Angel hesitanted for a second before finally taking the fork from her hand.

And taking the apple into his mouth. "If I eat will I be able to spend weekends".

"With him then?" He asked chewing on his apple slice.

Rose hadn't expected Angel to grow so attached to Jimin that he would even.

Threaten her like he did earlier.

But she had no choice now after all his health was the only thing that mattered.

To her at the moment. "... okay fine I'll allow you to spend the weekend there".

Angel smiled and sat up wrapping his hands around her neck.

"Thank you mommy I love you".

Rose slightly smiled and wrapped her arms around his waist.

"I love you too Angel" sheplaced a kiss on his neck.

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