Chapter 1

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The ninja returned from another adventure, once again killing the Bounty. It was starting to get boring, really.
'This is Gale Gossip, bringing you another headline, because today's news is tomrrow's history. The ninja defeated yet another maniac who wishes to turn Ninjago into a pancake. And, like all the other times Ninjago nearly got abolished, the police did nothing,' the TV blared.
When the ninja saw this on the TV, they realised it was the same as all the times before. Indeed, it really was boring. They wanted a normal life, even if it was only for a week or two, just to go to school, make friends, play video games - wait they already do that. However, the point still stands; they wanted to be regular teenagers.
"Isn't anyone else getting a bit tired of this?" Kai said, finally breaking the silence that filled the air. "You know, the whole 'Ninja save Ninjago again because no one can do anything for themselves' thing? Don't you guys want to, I don't know, be normal?"
The room was filled with murmurs of agreement, everyone looking at each other for a sign of relatability... all except for one.
"I hate to say it, but I disagree. I like saving Ninjago, having powers and beating bad guys' butts. It's what makes us... us. It makes us special."
Kai looked at her in a facial expression that looked like he was a year 7 witnessing someone doing calculus homework - one of pure confusion with a small hint of disgust. "Yeah but, don't you get tired of being special? Like, no one sees you past the thing that makes you special."
"But it's fun when people see you as something amazing rather than barely anything at all."
"Barely anything at all is what most citizens of Ninjago are, but they're perfectly happy. Admit it. At some point you've wanted to be a normal civillian who can happily mind their own business without everyone pointing at you and whispering 'look, it's the ninja'."
Nya opened her mouth to argue, but then decided against it, knowing she was going to lose the arguement against her older brother as she usually does. She ended up just scowling and storming off, probably to her room or continue training, while the rest watched her. They new that it was best to leave her alone when she was angry like this.
"Hey, Cole," Jay whispered, leaning over. "Could you get me my pudding cup? Get something for yourself, too."
"Get it yourself, Jay."
"But I don't want to."
He sighed. Jay wasn't going to listen to him, he knew him too well. Reluctantly, Cole got up and head over to the fridge, not because he didn't want to get Jay anything, but because he ate the pudding cup. In his defence, it didn't have motor mouth written on it, so how was he supposed to know?
Besides, he knew that all he would have to do is blame it on Kai and all would be well.
He opened the fridge door and peered inside - he was told to get something for himself. And then he saw the thing he loved most in this world.
Oh, how he loved cake. He would marry cake, if he could find a way how. It looked amazing, sitting there perfectly in the centre, not a single crumb out of place. He could admire it for days - if he didn't eat it first.
"Cole! Where are you?"
He didn't realise that it had already been 10 minutes since he arrived at the fridge. Quickly, he picked up the cake and went back to their bedroom, where Jay was sitting in the bottom bunk of one of the 2 bunk beds.
"Kai ate your pudding cup, I think," Cole told him, covering up his crime. "I did get myself some cake though."
Jay said nothing and just frowned. Shortly after, he left the room, leaving Cole on his own with the cake. Cole just shrugged it off; he's talked to himself enough, another time wouldn't make a difference. Besides, he had a cake to talk to, didn't he?
"I've been thinking, the whole 'we could be normal teenagers' thing seems pretty cool. Imagine. Barely anyone would recognise us as ninja without our ninja suits, and even if they somehow did, it doesn't matter because Wu probably has a tea or something to turn us normal for a while." - he takes a bite out of the cake and now for a few second he speaks muffled - "How difficult could it be, being a kid going to school in Ninjago. Sure, you could get squished any second, but that's just your average day in Ninjago, isn't it?" - he now swallows and stops speaking all muffled - "And what if we weren't entirely normal, so that we could act normal but we're actually ninja. Think about it - when Ninjago is in danger, we could just come up with an excuse to get out of class so we could just beat the bad guys like we usually do, then get back to our normal lives. It works in movies, why wouldn't work now?"
Suddenly, Cole came to a sense of realisation that he was talking to a cake, which he was also eating. This is worse than the time he was talking to the baby - at least the baby is a person.
Maybe he is going crazy?

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