Only We Know [1/3]

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At a university music organization, a commotion is happening. The allocation of tasks for the upcoming university festival couldn't end because of the last appeal of the members, asking if some of them could be put on the lineup who will play for the band. The university festival is a grand event for them, so everyone takes every little thing too seriously.

"That's impossible, you guys know that. The members of the band, who by the way arrived on time at the audition, prepared and showed their capabilities, are already on their way to practice, it would mess up the schedule if we force to put everyone on the line up," Miles, the president of the org, argued.

"Please, reconsider. A lot of us were not able to join the audition because of the exams last last week. Give us a second chance, at least," a member pleaded which then was seconded by the others.

Miles sighed, "Alright, I'll try to talk with the band members and ask them if any of them would step down, but refrain from pressuring them to back down or meddle with the situation, understand?" he surrendered. "Let me take care of th-"

"Me, I'll back out," a man, holding a bass guitar on his shoulders, interrupted the moment he opened the door.

"Gab? No," Miles says assertively. "You can't." The latter words sounded like a plea.

"Why not? I told you, if anyone wants my position, give it to them," Gab retorts back calmly. "Let them play their own bass guitar, though." Gab then turned around, planning to leave the room when the door hit his shoulder.

"Oh, Gab. Sorry," the man apologized, he even checked Gab's shoulder that had been softly hit by the door.

"It's okay, I'm gonna go." The man just watched Gab leave, the huge bass guitar still on his shoulder. He heard that Gab backed down from the lineup, but why does he look so glad about it, he thought.

"Mau, what brings you here?" Miles asked the man who just arrived.

"Oh, it's cuz I am also planning to back out," Mau answered, scratching his head, acting as if he's really sorry.

"What? You too? Why?" Miles said, he didn't even hide the surprise from his voice.

"Just because. Let them have my position as wel-"

"No. We need your fangirls to attend the festival - Nope, you can't back out," Miles blurted out, a hint of panic in his voice.

"Yes, I can," Mau answered with a smug smile, "Actually, I already left the keyboard at the practice room. Let the others take care of it. Byeeee," he then left the place as if nothing happened.

Miles sighed, the only thing he could do that moment. His two valuable members just backed down, the two members who had the most both fangirls and fanboys at their university. What a great timing for the university festival.

"Those two should be punished," Miles last words before giving the task to Mau and Gab to put up every poster invitation of the organization at every faculty and building at their university.

"Oh, so that's where y'all met and got close? At the university music org?" A friend of Mau and Gab's mutual friend asked them curiously in the middle of their conversation.

"Eh, kind of," Mau answered, "Miles and I, we were friends even before he led the org. While Gab and Miles are close colleagues at the org, this guy," Mau pointing at Gab at his side, "used to always say that they're just colleagues and not friends. But basically, we all just kinda happened because of Miles' so-called punishment."

"I don't believe that that was the punishment, though. Miles just needed people who're not talented enough to play to put up those tarps," Gab said, mocking the person beside him.

"If that's the reason, it should be only me then," Mau teased with suggestive meaning.

"Tch," Gab's eyebrows furrowed. The person who asked just watched their banter interestingly.

"That's the truth," Mau defended his words, "This guy can play guitar, bass and keys but he's too shy to - Alright, alright." Mau was interrupted by Gab's deadly glare, he then tightened his hold at Gab's waist to soothe him a bit.

"But really, this guy plays with other bands bu- alright, I'll stop now for real," Mau only stopped with his teasing when he felt Gab's pinch on his side. He just laughed at his friend's reaction, thinking that Gab will always be entertaining in his eyes.

"So basically, that was three years ago, and you've been together since then?"

"Huh? We're not," Gab and Mau simultaneously answered.

Miles and the others at the table then burst out laughing with the reaction of the new friend who Gab and Mau were talking to, he didn't even bother hiding the visible confusion and surprise on his face. While on the other hand, all of them, except the new guy, were not even surprised by the two's response, despite the fact that everyone can see how Mau and Gab cuddle at the couch of the resto-bar as if they own the place.

After their laughter died, Miles butt in on their conversation, "You know what, you don't need to ask them about what's between them cuz you'll get nothing."

When they heard what Miles had said, Gab and Mau almost choked on their drinks. They are both perplexed as to why Miles was gossiping about them in their faces.

Gab then glared at Miles, "You'll really get nothing cuz we're just friends, you know that," he answered crankily.

"Alright alright, this is our job for three years already anyway, to act like we believe the two of you," Miles teased, which was seconded by their own friends.

They decided to leave the resto-bar at around 2AM, everyone's more than tipsy including Gab and Mau, so Miles decided to book Grab for all of his friends.

"I already booked for Gab and I," Mau says, almost whispering to Miles. "No need to bother, you take care of the others, and we'll get going first," Mau continued before leading Gab out of the place swiftly.

Miles already has seen the same scene countless of times, but it still amuses him how far from lowkey his friends always act. He shakes his head in disbelief, then gets back on booking Grab for their friends.

On the other hand, Mau and Gab are on their way home when Mau asks the driver to stop by one of the convenience stores nearby. A couple of minutes passed, and Gab woke up when he felt that Mau had returned from the store. He's rubbing his eyes, when Mau noticed him. "Babe, you up?" Mau asks.

"Hm, where are we?"

"On our way home, I just bought you your orange juice," Mau answered, brushing Gab's hair away from his face, trying to dry Gab's face beaded with sweat. Mau then leaned Gab's head against his shoulder, letting the younger guy be comfortable.

"You should sleep more. I'll wake you up when we get home."

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