Guns Are Heavy

138 11 7

Wow, okay. Chilled was very wrong.This place isn't some paradise. It's kinda shitty. Though, this place isn't so bad. Its just tiny. The others seem to be upset with the town. I can see why, but I don't mind it. I like the houses though...well some. Some of them are falling apart. Someone needs to fix this. 

I decide to go and talk to some of my friends. I spot Dlive and I go and start up a conversation with him.

"Hey Dlive! What's up?" I say to him.

"Oh hey, Smarty. Nothing, just walking around the town." He says.

"That must not take long!" I joke.

"Yeah, this town is really small. It's cozy though." He tells me.

"That's what I think! But the others don't seem to happy to be here. I guess they thought it would be like a paradise. That's what Chilled hyped it up to be." I tell him.

"Well, this place is far from paradise..." He says in a weird way.

"Um, what do you mean?" I ask him.

"Oh nothing.." he says with a fake smile.

Me and Dlive chat for a few more minutes, but then he heads home. So I guess I'll try to find my house.

"Of course, my house is one of the ones falling apart." I say to myself.

Of course. I had to get the shitty house. God, what luck. I enter the house and it's not as bad as it is outside. But it's still shitty.

I unpacked and put things into place. Hopefully I'll be able to fix this place up soon.

I found out I'm neighbors with Ze and Jack. That makes up for this crap house. I'm kinda bored, so I guess I'll go see Ze.

I walk out of my house and head to Ze's. I knock on his door and wait for 3 minutes.

"Huh, he's not home.." I guess I'll just go visit someone else.

I head over to Chilled's house to see if he's home. When I get there I knock on his door. He opens it after a few seconds.

"Hey Chilled!" I say to him.

"Smarty...? W-what are you doing here..???" He says kinda skittishly.

"I was just stopping to say hi..Hey, are you all right? You look exhausted!" I ask worriedly.

He did look exhausted, he had dark circles under his eyes. Not big ones, little dark circles. He keeps looking back and forth and twitching slightly.

"W-w-what..?!! O-Oh, yeah I'm f-fine..Look Smarty, I can't talk right now.Bye." He says abruptly.

"But-" before I can finish he slams the door shut.

"Oh...okay then.."

Chilled is not okay..

(Time skip-night time)

I head back home to find a shotgun on my mantel.

"What..?" I wonder aloud. I place my hand on the weapon. It reflected my face onto the metal. I looked at my self, and then my pupils shrink.

Then it hits me. I can't trust this town. I can't trust anyone in it. SOMETHING IS WRONG ABOUT THIS PLACE!!! I HAVE TO LEAVE!! But how, that would look suspicious. I could just tell my friends that I am homesick. Yeah, homesick..

Then I hear my door open. How did someone get into my house..?!! They are going to kill me!! OH GOD THEY ARE GOING TO KILL ME!!! Before thinking I grabbed the gun, turned around and pulled the trigger. ( guess it already had ammo in it >.>;; ) 

I watch as the lifeless body fall to the floor in a pool of blood.

"Oh my god.." I gasp.

I just killed Dlive....

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