Back to LDR or restarted memories?

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Author: you may asked ldr naba sila or restarted memories? Maybe both pero..

Wise: ang sakit ng ulo ko..


Wise: sino si danerie? At sino ka?

Doctor: I'm very sorry to tell you ms jennie but he has amnesia we're not sure if his memories will come back again

Jennie: oh..

Doctor: and please avoid things that might stress him out and remind him about the things or memories he's really attached to or he will probably remember

Doctor: I'll go ahead

David: pano na yan?

Jennie: shush doon na tayo sa parking lot.

(To be continued)

Author: ty for voting for my story this story is currently top 5 from the veewise # (ang rami konang sinulat in a day ah bumawi na Ako sainyo)

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