chapter 13: the captain of the royal guards

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Frisk pov.
I started walking forwards. The water splashes on my shoes. I wonder if we are close to leaving this place. Will we be able too. I haven't seen any exit. I than see cracks on the walls. And monsters next to them. Should I talk to them? I want to know why there are cracks on the wall. I was about to walk past. Monster 1: "many years ago. Humans and monster lived in harmony. One day. War broke between the two. The war created chaos between the two" they went silent. I went up to the other monster. Monster 2: "both side suffered heavy lost. But the monsters in the end. Have lost. Forced underground of the mount ebott. Forced to live in a place they dont know of" I went to the other monster. Monster 3: "each day. The captain comes and reads these runes of the old history. Only to crach them each time. There word of a statue that is destroyed. But no one knows if it true. He feels anger to all humans. Shows no mercy to them" I then left where they were. I continue moving. I see burn pay prints on the ground. Was someone here? Reminds me of the fire balls. ???: "hey!!!" Hm I turn around to see. A red and black wearing shit kid. He looks at me. ???: "I been watching you. Surviving against the captain. You think your so cool. Well your wrong! And I'm here to kill you!!" He ready to fight me? I turn around and walked away. ???: "hey! Don't run from a fight!" I continue walking. That kid appeared again. He try to get me to fight. By calling me names. I walked away again. He appears again. This time try to attack Me head on. I step to the side. I continue moving. I got to a dark place. So dark that I can't see. Tem: "tem can't see. Sorry" I pet tem. "No need. We can find our away" I bump into a wall. I bump into another wall. I bump into another. Why is there too many walls! I than got to a flower. I went to listen to it. "Hey!!" Hm? The area lights up. I turn around to see. Asriel? Asriel: "there you are. Been looking for you. My sister was worried about you" what? He went up to me. Asriel: "yeah. A surprise isn't it. Somehow your creepiness made her think about you.  Saying that someone as stupid as you wouldn't survive our father" what a weird chose of words. Asriel: "she was about to save your ass more than once. If I were you. Get out of here. When you get to hotland. That as far as dad will go. He can't stand the heat" he then disappeared in a blink of a eye. How does he do that? Well. I guess I can go. I see a open path. Where did that come from. I went down it. I continue forwards until I got to a wooden pathway. ???: "there you are!!" I then see that kid again. ???: "this time I'll never miss!" He went to charge at me. I dodge as he slip off. He grab the side of the bridge. ???: "um! Help!!!" I went to help him. But then something landed infront of me. Asgore: "there you are. Survived after all" he ready his trident. I quickly started running towards him  he slashes as I slide under him. He misses. As I reach for the kid. I grab them. I then feel asgore trident stab my other arm. "Gah!!!" Tem was able to dodge it and went to my other arm.i pulled the kid up as asgore threw me back infront of him. He went to stab me. ???: "hey!!" I looked to see him headbutting asgore. Asgore: "you dare to get in my way!" He kicks the kid away. I quickly went under him. I grab the kid as I started running. He then zoom infront of me. Asgore: "you think you two can escape! I'll make sure that ypu both pay for your crimes!!" ???: "hey!! I'm a monster too! Your just being a big bully! True I try to get her to fight me but you didnt help me when I could have died!" Asgore: "the weak dies while the strong lives! The true way of this world!!" I can feel a burning aura coming from him. Asriel: "I told you to quickly leave. But you just have to do something good. What a brother" he then step infront of me and the kid. Asriel: "MK your not supposed to be down here. Your parents are going to be really upset" MK? Monster kid: "whatever! I can do whatever I want!" What is he up too? "What are you going to do?" Asriel: "well. If you die. Then she would be sad. I can see the worry in her eyes. Never thought in my life I would see her being different other then wanting to force me to fuck her" what!? Asriel: "but she a much better person. Not just better. Probably one that I want to see stay that way. Dad and mom did enough of the damage to her. Don't want her return back to that bitch" a sword appeared in his hand. "Too bad you could just run to hotlands. I would have just fall a sleep" he ready him self. Asriel: "but. He had this coming for a long time!!" Is he really going to fight his father? Why do I feel my eye lids closing. I closed them. Then I open them to be infont of asgore?
Asgore: "you dare to get in my way!" Asriel: "yeah. It about time I pay you back for what done to chara. I wasn't there for her when she needed it. But I'm also doing this because your a asshole" the buttons appeared. Asriel attacks. Dealing damage. Asgore: "you shall know why you should fear me!!" He started sending fire balls. Asriel hp is 1. Lv is ???. But as the attacks coming. He dodging them like they are nothing. He dodging them quicker than I can. Asgore finished attacking. Asriel attacks. Dealing damage. Asgore: "you think this is enough to stop me!" Asriel: "no but it sure as hell will bring me happiness to see you hurt!" Asgore then see fire balls raining down. They burst when they hit the ground. But asriel dodges them like they are nothing. Asgore finished as asriel attacks again. Dealing damage. Asgore: "I born and raised you! I saved that human! Yet you go against me!" Asriel: "save was one time. The next you did was gave her hell and changed her into something!" Asgore made his hand have fire in it. He thrustes it into the ground. Making fire burst out of it. But asriel. Dodges like they were just leafs falling from a tree. Asgore finished attacking. Asriel attacks. Dealing damage. Asgore looks like he slowing down. Asgore: "my son! You! Will! Pay!!" Asriel: "not as much as what I own muffet it. But I think I'll past" asgore attacks. Asriel dodged them. Asriel attacks again. Dealing damage. Asgore: "I. Cant. Lose" his attacks move slowly. Asriel didn't even need to dodge them. Just move to a spot that they won't hit. He stop. Asriel: "I won" the battle ended.
(You won)
I then blinked as I'm back over to where I was standing. Asriel: "you better leave her alone. Or this will not be the last" he was looking down. Asgore: "I. Will" he looks. Hurt. I grab one of my items. I went up to him. Asriel: "girl what are you doing??" I hold it towards asgore. Asgore: "what is it. Want me to do something humiliating?" I shook no. "Eat" he looked at me. Asgore: "this is a trick. A human trick" I shook no again. I hold it closer. He looked at it. Grab it and ate it. I can hear it restored his hp. Asriel: "girl  the hell were you thinking? Now I have to face him again. Man I just want to go back and sleep already" asgore was just staring at us. Mostly me. Asgore: "I promise. That I won't hurt you" he than left. Asriel: "wow. He promise something. Never heard him self that before. Anyway" he looked at me. Asriel: "I hope you plan to repay me for saving your life" oh right. Asriel: "gold is not what I want. My sister might be into you so if she says something like ask you out. You accept it. No saying no. Or anything. Got it?" I nodded. Asriel: "good. Now. Sleep time!" He disappeared again. MK: "wow. Never thought I'll watch a battle of father and son. That was something" he looked at me. MK: "yo. So. Um. I never. Said this. Or thought of saying it. But. Thank. You. For. Saving. Me. Bye!!!" He then started running away. Tem: "some much has happened in little bit of time" yeah. Hell. I can finally go. But I want to make sure that asgore guy is ok. No idea how I know his name. Just appeared. I started walking down this way. Hope to find footprints of his.

Liquid: "a much different take. Thought it was interesting. I like it. Thanks again guys"

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