Mainland accident

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The minister of spring had sent Queen Clarion to the mainland to check up on the progress on spring. The journey was supposed to take 1-2 days at most, but, the Queen had been gone for almost a month, Finally, she arrived home.

In pixie hollow, it was around midday, and Queen Clarion had arrived back from her journey. She wanted the ministers and lord Milori to know she was back before any other fairy or sparrow man so, she flew her dove as close to the pixie dust as possible to not be seen. Clarion walked along the long hallways to the meeting room, where she knew the ministers of the seasons would be.

The ministers heard a knock at the door, a familiar knock, not a rough knock like Lord Milori, or a quick knock by a helper around the tree, a soft knock, a knock that was owned to a certain Queen. Suddenly the minister of spring stopped the tears that hadn't stopped flowing from the day clarion was supposed to arrive home, and the minister of autumn woke up from a nap.

"Sorry about that I-" The Queen walked through the door, before getting a sentence out, the minister of summer and winter embraced her in a hug.

after a few moments, they let her go, red leaf gave her a nod and hyacinth gave a big apology.

"So sorry about worrying all of you, on the second night, just as I was getting everything ready to depart to pixie hollow, something spooked my dove and she flew off. She took a while to come back. Hope you all got on without me?" She explained her adventure.

"it's quite alright Queen Clarion" sunflower said with a cheery grin.

"Just glad to see you back. Sorry again!" Hyacinth said apologizing again.

"Now let's get you fixed up", snowflake said, pointing to a big cut on her wrist, "how did you manage did to do that?"

"just happens when you get stuck on the mainland on a windy night, let's just say some branches flew into where I was sleeping," Clarion said, slightly embarrassed but, that all goes away when sunflower put something on her hand. She hisses at the pain but, it went away after a bit, snowflake took a big leaf and wrapped it around her wrist.

"now, I'm no healing fairy so that's all I can do, I advise you to go to the healers right away after informing lord Milori of your return" snowflake felt a bit weird telling the Queen what to do but, the Queen just replied with a nod and left the room, popping her head back in to say "thank you."

Clarion would normally walk to her room but, the bruises and small cuts she got from things hitting her on the mainland, proved to make that difficult. Her wings were strained already, so she had to walk to her room to save energy to fly to the winter woods.

Clarion grabbed her coat and flew to the winter woods.

she landed at the front of Dewey's library, somewhere she knew her husband would be, and walked in.

"Keeper?" She called.

"Queen Clarion?" Dewey shouted back with confusion in his voice," your back! And... what happened here" Dewey rushed her to sit down on a chair in another room beside the library

lifted her coat a little to reveal a big gash on her left leg, from the little walking she did, must have had opened it and it had started to bleed.

Suddenly, a door from a whole different room opened, and the person who opened it was her husband.

"Hey Milori," Clarion said, hissing in pain every once and a while, due to the pain from The treatment Dewey was giving her for the cut.

"your... your alive, and all you have to say is 'hey' as if you haven't been missing for a month," he shouted, Clarion didn't expect this kind of reaction from him.

"Did you really think died?" She laughed at the question.

"Did I? Of course," he said.

"Look Milori while I was there someth-," Clarion tried to explain herself but got interrupted.

"Stop, you don't have to explain yourself, But what I don't get was you didn't even try to warn me, you could have done anything, like tell a nearby bird to come back and tell me.

( Clarion had all her belongs on her dove so she couldn't go to pixie hollow on a normal bird)

"I'm sorry" Clarion didn't know what to say, this was defiantly not how she expected this to go.

"You could have done anything to stop me from worrying. ANYTHING, "Milori shouted.

"I, um, Milori, maybe it's best I come back another time. It seems you're a bit angry, It was nice to see you. Just wanted to say I was back," Dewey was done with her leg and she smiled at Milori even though she didn't feel like Smiling at that moment, and began walking towards the door.

"what, wait, no. Please don't go. Not again." He pleaded.

Milori ran over to Clarion and embraced her in a big hug.

"I'm so sorry. I- I was so angry? Worried? I don't know," Milori whispered in her ear with tears flowing down his cheeks.

"Milori," Clarion wiped his old tears," I'm sorry too," she leaned on her tiptoes to kiss him, after the kiss Milori hugged Clarion again.

"now how about we both tell the fairy's of pixie hollow I'm back," she said while trying to look at Miloris face.

Milori wouldn't let Clarion go, he just nodded against her shoulder.

Clarion felt the nod," alright let's go," she said while smiling.

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