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I swing my whistle around as I walk back to the break room, almost hitting a child as I did so.

Once in the breakroom I took my hip pack off and shoved my pack and whistle into my locker. I slid my work shorts off and slid some jeans on.

"Hey liv, you off?" Addy came in from the door to the pool. She also started changing from her uniform.

"Yeah, you too?" I hauled my jeans up, having to jump a couple times to get the denim over my hips.

"Yup," she shut her locker and pulled a sheer sundress over her bikini.

Addy and I have been working at Vegas Pool for almost two years now. It's located in LA so don't ask me why it's called Vegas Pool.

It's one of the most famous outdoor pools in LA and during the summer It's so busy we have to hire over 200 staff members. Of course not every worker is scheduled every day but still- that's a lot.

"This little girl made a run for the 9ft earlier. Scared the piss put of me, I was lucky to get to her. Poor thing didn't even have floaties," Addy sighs as I hear the beep of the machine meaning she clocked out.

I grab my phone and wallet and head to clock out as well. "Yo that's insane. When I was on lap these boys were rough housing so bad I thought they would drown eachother."

"Were you here when the kid sliced his head open last week? I wasn't on shift but I heard about it." Addy waited for me by the doorway.

"Yeah! I had to fill out the incident report, it was so chaotic. We were down a few guards too."

"Didn't the mom pass out?" Addy asked as we walked out the building, waving bye to our coworkers.

"Oh my gosh yes dude, we were so lucky she didn't hit her head." I exhale deeply.

We make our way to our cars, Addy has a sweet truck she just put money down on this summer, it's perfect for cruising around at night. Right next to her black mobile, my jeep sits with its top off and windows down.

My jeep is older, a hand me down from my cousin. He lives Hawaii now though, he didn't want to move his jeep all the way over there.

"You work tomorrow?" I ask as I climb over the small drivers door and slide into my jeep.

Addy swings her truck door open and climbs up, "Yeah 2-6. Only 4 hours. You?" She doesn't close her door but starts up the engine.

"Same here," I smile. I start my own car, the motor doesn't roar nearly as loud as Addy's.

"Well, I've got to get home. My brother is in town." Addy waves and shuts her door.

I wave to her as she drives away. Addy's younger brother just graduated high-school and has been traveling all summer, he's just made his way to LA.

I pull my phone out, turn on my music and blast the stereo.

I pull out of the pool parking lot, a little faster than I probably should but who cares, honestly.

I plan to drive home, and take a shower. For a Thursday night it's the best I can do.


I started my routine late, having slept in for whatever reason. It was a hot day and the sky had absolutely no clouds dotted across it. The sun blared, my nose bridge under my sunglasses started to sweat.

I took the streets to Starbucks, eager for a breakfast sandwich and an iced tea.

Once I was all set with my food at went back to my car. I started the engine and propped my legs up on the dashboard. I kept my sunglasses on while I ate under the sun in my car.

A few hours later it was time for me to head into work. I changed into a bikini and pulled on my uniform shorts.

The drive to work was a little long due to traffic but traffic wasn't all that new.

Once at work I parked across from Addy's truck that sat towering over the other cars in the lot.

"Hey guys," I strolled into the break room, clocking in before grabbing my whistle and pack.

"What's up," The headguard nodded their head to me.

"Where's Addy?" I asked as I grabbed my stuff.

"On stand already, it's insanely busy. Apparently some famous band is here." She hopped off from the table. "You should probably get out there, I've set up a few extra stands."

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