Chapter 1

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Jacob looked around his room just like always hoping that maybe today would be the day his parents popped out of nowhere to say that they really didn't go away. The same thing happens as the other days, his parents aren't there and he has to go to a school that he hates with a passion. He had a good reason to hate it, it wasn't just because he didn't like waking up early or doing the homework. Jacob hated it because his life had been just purely hell ever since the accident. He no longer had any friends because being mute by choice and being sad aren't good characteristics for a good friend. He turned from the popular jock to the loner outcast in just a couple of months. Jacob never really cared about labels and he still doesn't but the thing that did effect him was being alone with not a single friend to be there for him. He got ready to go to the school of nightmares and indulge in another boring day by himself. He felt a little bit strange today as if something drastically was going to change but he didn't think much of it because he had these feelings before and nothing happened. Jacob drove his motorcycle all the way to school, when he gets there immediately puts on his earphones and blasts a screamo song.

He loved heavy metal music, his friends use to think he was weird for listening to that type of music but he would shrug off whatever they said. It was something about the lyrics they said and the ability to hear their pain that Jacob could relate to so much. Those type of songs calmed him down or made him get some type of energy. Lately that is what has been keeping him here, giving him the motivation to keep going to his horrible school filled with people that no longer spoke to him or won't ever do that again. He walked to his classes everything was the usual, all the teacher gave up on him talking to the class in projects or reading out loud to the class so all he ever did was his homework, classwork, or projects that involved no speaking. He was anticipating his last class because he would be able to see Rose, the only other girl that is in love with bands just as him. He loved the way she dressed in all black or wearing a band t-shirt. From the things he saw about her, he knew that she loved A Day To Remember, he also knew that she had a lot of acquaintances but a couple of friends only. Jacob also knew that she was a very kind and compassionate person that would do anything to help a friend out.

The class that Jacob and Rose both had at the end of the day was art. Sometimes their teacher would display their piece of artwork to the class or the whole school. Always one of Rose's artworks would be chosen, Jacob was never jealous of that because while she drew, sculpted, or painted he would be able to hear her angelic voice. Sometimes he wish he could get the courage to talk to her but he didn't want to talk to her using his voice due to the fact he no longer talked instead he just have a conversation on paper, he didn't know if she would think strangely of him if he did that. So till he got the courage to ask her if she wanted to talk they wouldn't be friends or even possibly talk. In all of his classes he sat at the back where no one would look at him strangely and he sat alone because no one really wanted to sit with him. He looked around the room trying to guess what they were going to do today hopefully nothing involving sculpting. He kept thinking not really noticing anything around him, he didn't even notice that Rose sat right beside him. Rose was wearing her usual A Day To Remember band shirt, jeans, and her black vans. Rose thought it was a comfortable outfit to wear but every time Jacob saw her wearing something like that he would be blown away because she wasn't afraid to show her true self.

Rose cleared her throat so Jacob could finally realize that she was sitting right there. Jacob took out a piece of paper and pen and started writing, "sorry I didn't see you there I was in a deep thought." He was nervous on what she was going to think because he wasn't talking but instead of writing. Rose smiled and told him that it was okay that she understood. He smiled back at her and asked her why she was sitting next to him. Jacob saw her read his message and when she read it she frowned at it. She looked at him and told him quietly that she wanted to sit here because she always saw that he was alone and that if he didn't mind that she wanted to be friends. Immediately he wrote that he wouldn't mind and Rose said if he wanted to play twenty questions or something similar to that to get to know each other. Jacob wrote on the paper that he would very much enjoy playing that and that she had to go first. Rose agreed and Jacob thought that Rose would ask him why did he become mute but instead she asked him a question that surprised him and the question was to name his passion. Jacob stared at her for a few seconds not knowing what to respond but finally he wrote music was his passion and also wrote down his question to her to tell him which was her favorite song from A Day To Remember. Rose said to him that her favorite song was "Have Faith In Me" and her next question to him was to name his favorite band because she knew he listened to the same music as her because he always had his earphones which blasted screamo songs. Jacob quickly answered on the paper that his favorite band was Issues and he also put his question and it was to name one of her wishes. Jacob was glad that they didn't have anything to do in art and that they had a free day for once because if they didn't that would mean that they had to do something which would mean no time for them to talk about anything. Rose said that one of her wishes was to see A Day To Remember live and she asked Jacob what would be his ultimate superpower. Jacob always wanted to be able to read other peoples mind to know what they thought of him so he wrote down on the paper the ability to read other peoples mind and also wrote his question down for her to say her weirdest quirk.

Rose read the question carefully and her cheeks turned slightly pink but still answered that she disliked when something was out of place, she admitted that she had a bit of OCD then she asked her question to Jacob to say something he disliked a lot. Jacob thought of so many things at the second but what he wrote down was loneliness. Rose was quiet, not really knowing what to say because she felt the same way but never thought someone she knew would feel the same way she's been feeling for years. Jacob started writing on the piece of paper if he said something wrong because she had been staring at space for a while now. Rose quickly said, "no you didn't say something wrong it's just I started thinking and sorry for that so what's your question?"  Jacob started thinking not sure if they should continue it because he knew it affected Rose his response in some way and he wanted to know what she was thinking but he knew it wasn't his place to know or to ask just yet so he wrote down something goofy, maybe making her smile a little bit hopefully it did so he wrote down has she ever thought about being a unicorn. When she read it she couldn't help but give him a half smile and  say yes she in fact had and that she knew she would be the mystical unicorn that had her hair color in every color of the rainbow and when she finished talking about it the bell of the end of the day rung and every student from the art room got up and left. Jacob and Rose toke awhile to get their things together and both walked out of the art room at the same time, Jacob knew they weren't going to go the same direction so he waved her goodbye but she surprised him by giving him a hug and saying that she will love to talk to him again tomorrow if he wants. Jacob smiles at her as a sign that he would love that, he waved once again and started walking toward the direction of his motorcycle.                                    

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2016 ⏰

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