chapter one

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Walking out side I seee the stars shining in the dark night sky. Beautiful rain comforting me

I hold my hands over my face to block out the sunlight on this sunny day

The rain coming down hard, I still manage to see the bright green eyes I only see on a rainy day, Harry.

"Hey harry," i shout water splashing behind me as i run up to him"

"What happened 2 ur arm?" I notice jt had a pink cast on it

"Oh i just sprained it runnin to the store"

"Ok see you later" love him so much dont know when ill tell him

"I love you Jessica"

"I turned out and said really" "REALLY"


Bae, baby, fiance got down on his nees and gave me thatt lil gum ball machine ring but that's ok. It's classy as fuck

We kiss in the rain, the only place that's really wet is downstairs. TRUUUU AS FUCK LMAO

WE ended up having 50 kids cause his pull out game was Weak as FUCKKKK.

The end.

rain from above • harry stylesWhere stories live. Discover now