謝花 妓夫太郎; 𝙷𝙴𝙰𝙳𝙲𝙰𝙽𝙽𝙾𝙽 PT. 21

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ʚ Gyutaro Headcannon ɞ

⦅Kimetsu Academy AU⦆



❥─ oh hell nahh cause.. WHO MADE HIS GIRL CRY??? ❧
❥─ he is going to KILL anyone who made you cry, and it's not going to be just him, haha ooohh nooo, he'll call daki/ume and he'll call all your friends over to. ❧
❥─ goes to the store to buy you flowers, your favorite snacks and stay with you the whole day. ❧
❥─ cooks all of your favorites❧
❥─ listens to why you are upset and confort you. ❧
❥─ cuddles while watching disney movies. ❧
❥─ "It's okay now.. Now you should rest, don't worry, I'll be right here if you need anything baby~" ❧
❥─ Do your homework for you. ❧
❥─ Daki calls you to see if you were alright. ❧
❥─ Take you on a ride on his motorcycle~ ❧

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