No time to be jealous

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Khadeji and Dsav walk through the door, Kwame ( fumez) sees her with him. He begins to have a angry face. He sees that Khadeji is in whole conversation with Dsav and laughing at his jokes

Kwame ( fumez) : yo dsav the producer wants you to check something real quick

Dsav : yea , coming in a sec

Khadeji notices that Kwame is looking at her, she looks at him like - what's your problem

Poundz- yess deja , Man knew you would come through with some clothes

Khadeji - only the best for my client , let me put them in the style room

Poundz - take your time imma be in here for a few minutes

Khadeji walks into the room where the clothes she pick out a few weeks a ago was
As soon as she walks into the room Kwame walks in behind her , then shuts the door.

Khadeji : what the fuck are you doing

Kwame ( fumez) : why was you talk to Dsav

Khadeji : I can talk to who ever I want , what's your problem

Kwame ( fumez) : your bare laughing with him and everything, plus you both came in at the same time
Acting suspicious and that

Khadeji : number 1 : he was asking it I can be his stylist and two I was laughing at the fact his ex stylist tried to con him - like what's your problem

They both look at each other for a few minutes

Kwame ( fumez) : look don't trust that guy , his stylist left cause he got her pregnant and he was trying to deny it. STAY AWAY FROM HIM

Khadeji looked at him was a dumbfounded face

Khadeji : Fine I will

Kwame ( fumez) : thanks babes

Kwame kiss Khadeji on the lips, the walks back into the other room

Poundz: yea man needs you to size me up and that Khadeji : I got you

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Poundz: yea man needs you to size me up and that
Khadeji : I got you

For the next 30 minutes Khadeji tries to find clothes that would best suit him

A loud bang happens next door

both poundz and Khadeji run out of the room to see Dsav and Charlene arguing

Charlene : WHERE THE FUCK IS HEboth poundz and Khadeji run out of the room to see Dsav and Charlene arguing

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Charlene : Why have you been ignoring my fucking calls

Dsav : ffs why are you here fam , go home

Charlene : don't tell me what to do ( points at Khadeji) plus who the fuck is that girl

Before Khadeji opens her mouth Dsav answers

Dsav : she is poundz and fumez's stylist , your moving bare mad calm down

Charlene : you always come up with something David , Ik you cheating on me again

Khadeji : no I am the stylist , plus can you talk this outside or something. To be honest I don't need your baby mama drama in here

Charlene drags Dsav out the room by his arm while cussing him about how he ain't shit

Charlene drags Dsav out the room by his arm while cussing him about how he ain't shit

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After all that commotion, Khadeji finishes up, she says her goodbyes to everyone. While she is leaving she sees Kwame standing next to her car

Kwame : you ready

Khadeji : where you car at

Kwame : I left it at our house init

Khadeji - hurry up and get in it so fucking cold, we should get some food I'm so hungry what do you want

Kwame: I got Chinese food at the house

Khadeji : no you don't, I ate that cause you ate my cheese cake

Both start to laugh

Kwame: let's get some Wingstop, where's my phone

Khadeji- check my bag , it's probably in there

Kwame- cool

Kwame goes on his phone and opens the Uber eats app . He taps on wingstop. He doesn't ask want deja wants cause he know that she eats what ever he eats as they both like the same thing. Korean bbq wings with fries and coke cola.

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