if you read this please read the eclipsia land of mystery book it colinks with this story if you dont read it you may hear arastron god of greed and think"who the hell is that"lol)the world has been enslaved by the mythical creatures we all thought were fake.no one thinks there fake anymore you will be in view of a slave girl named lucy isa. since dave fell in love with lucy he is protective over her and lets her go on missions with them as long as she rans when they say so. the five kingdoms are ruled by mythical creatures as well . reyna is ruled by king alaric is a cerberus and the queen adelaide which is a yeti. mathilda is ruled by king archibald which is a minotaur and his queen beatriz which is a capacun. zorailda is ruled by king arthur which is a cacus and his queen erika which is a centaur. brivika which is ruled by king bard which is a centicore and his queen mirabel which is a sphinx. the last kingdom is mirela which is ruled by king benedict which is a leprechaun and his queen petra which is a humbaba. the bell warriors are ruled by knight burchard. the 6 places worship certain gods reyna worships zuri. mathilda woships roiku. zorailda worships lucifer. brivika worships jehoshadeda. mirela worships albionigas. lastly the bell warriors worships ruthiya. ever mythical creature will be in this series even dragons though only certain ones will be nice.alot of the bad guys talked about in eclipsia the land of mystery will be used in this story as well for bad guys and some will turn into antiheroes
eclipsia and the 5 kingdoms
אקשןthe world has been taken over by mythological creatures now because of them most of the human race are either dead or slaves. the slaves are mostly girls. they are now owned for the rest of their life to never be free again. there are 5 kingdoms in...