Part 2

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The moment they came closer they realized they overshadowed eachother, the sun couldn't give light to the world and the moon couldn't let the universe rest 🌑🥀.. A union so great but yet so disastrous. The sun was meant to give light to the world during the day and the moon was meant to be the light during the night. And their union simply stopped them from being who they were and doing what they were meant to do. But like I said, love makes you do crazy things🌞🌙. So on that day the moon and the sun got married and made an oath to never again come closer to each other..They promised to keep their love a live by being the light of the world. But legend has it that every once in a while, the moon and the sun meet and celebrate their union. They call this union an eclipse. And yes it is always a magical union. And oh little star, I hope one day you find a love so consuming and fulfilling that you are willing to go above and beyond just to keep it alive, because that's what true love does. It burns🔥 your soul.

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