the cell

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cold is the water and it will freeze your already cold mind ,already cold mind and death is at your door step. Timshel mumford and sons

I awoke in a freezing cold dark room, when suddenly the lights turned on blinding me for a moment as a result. A women with a clipboard came in and said

"Fnally awake now are we?" I could tell in that moment that we weren't going to get on

"yeah" I said "no thanks to you"

"I didn't do anything, that was my colleage, who I might add did so in self defense"

"but you attacked me first!" I shout

"No we didn't!"she near enough screams probably trying to intimidate me "we tried to escort you from the premises,so you wouldn't be traumatised futher from your dead father and you went into a blind anger and killed two social workers, well at least that's what we said happened" she says with a ginormous smirk on her face and I try to use my power on her but nothing happens just nothing.

"oh and by the way your dead officially so no ones going to be looking for you, well its not like you've got any one any way"

I spit in her face and she slaps me so hard that I fall on the floor.

"I'd get used to these 4 walls if I were you after all it's all Your going to see for a long time" she says as she throws me a bouncy ball I look at it and at her in disgust "for entertainment" she says then bursts out laughing. and closes the door on me and locks it.

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