Character Profiles & Post-Book Notes

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That's another book done! You may notice that, unlike my other books, this is more of a 'part 1' to the story. Part 2 will be released... someday, hopefully. I'm going to focus on the Miraculous sequel and some other things over on my AO3.

The next book will focus on the aftermath of this - I suppose you might view it as a 'mid season finale' or something. There's still lots of questions that need to be answered, after all.

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed! Thanks to Nom, Chris and Finn!

Note that the following profiles contain HEAVY SPOILERS, so don't read until you've finished! It's why they're at the end.

Creator key (AO3):
Hatty - me
Ace - aceattorneyfan
Digital - digitaldreams


Name: Adrastos
Age: Immortal
Gender: Non-binary
Race: Prince of Cordibus (Trickery)
Creator: Hatty
Likes: Messing with mortals, roses, alcohol
Dislikes: Animals, justice, parties
Adrastos is the Prince of Trickery, and has ties with Agnes, Lanslet and Vyllax. Although, what do they want with Artemis?

Name: Emerson Atticus
Age: 39
Gender: Male
Race: Angelion
Creator: Ace
Likes: Artemis, reading, teaching
Dislikes: Politics, crowds, impolite people
Emerson is a scholar and a noble. He met Leto, Artemis' mother, in Draycott. However, he had to flee after the residents turned against him. He's been trying to find Artemis ever since.

Name: Azrael
Age: Immortal
Gender: Male
Race: Demon
Creator: Hatty
Likes: Lilith, sleeping, napping
Dislikes: Early mornings, sunshine, water
Azrael is the lowest form of demon out there. He became trapped in a box for 200 years, and was only recently freed. Somehow, he has dated Vyllax, and is currently dating Lilith.

Name: Caelin
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Race: Maruvian
Creator: Hatty
Likes: Dark magic, Tonaros, being alone
Dislikes: Losing, hail, reading
Caelin, unknown to him, is a descendant of Maruvians. He forged a contract with Tonaros, the Prince of Immortality, but his soul was claimed when he lost.

Name: Carmine
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Race: Human (Modified)
Creator: Ace
Likes: Fighting, weapons, being alone
Dislikes: Artemis, the Princes, being annoyed
Carmine attacked Artemis, and has targeted her ever since. He ended up dying after making a contract with Poena, the Prince of Vengeance. However, it seems as if the party haven't heard the last of him...

Name: Eliza Clover
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Race: Quella
Creator: Hatty
Likes: Knitting, painting, sunshine
Dislikes: Floating, windy days, food fights
Eliza was forced into an arranged marriage by Queen Evelyn, lest there be a war between their two kingdoms, which border each other. She only got out of it thanks to Emerson's help.

Name: Stephen Cosmas
Age: 42
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Creator: Ace
Likes: Snow, music, nature
Dislikes: Blood, closed spaces, wasting time
Stephen is a doctor and Artemis' guardian. He took responsibility for raising her when her mother died. He still experiences nightmares regarding that experience.

Name: Lilith
Age: Immortal
Gender: Female
Race: Succubus
Creator: Hatty
Likes: Cute things, drawing, hot days
Dislikes: Bad hair days, violence, 'dying'
Lilith was a human that made a deal with the Princes of Cordibus to keep her only child alive. She became a succubus as a result. Artemis is her descendent, so her baby lived on.

Name: Amity Mictian
Age: Immortal
Gender: Female
Race: Demon
Creator: Hatty
Likes: Violence, blood, her husband
Dislikes: Mercy, peace, loud noises
Amity is a demon and friends with Vyllax. What her true intentions are, no one knows.

Name: Ares Perowe
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Race: Angelion
Creator: Digital
Likes: Classical music, reading, quiet
Dislikes: Crowds, sour foods, the cold
Ares prefers men, but his mother forced him into an arranged marriage with Eliza. He was able to escape it thanks to the assistance of Emerson.

Name: Evelyn Perowe
Age: 48
Gender: Female
Race: Angelion
Creator: Digital
Likes: Classical music, reading, social events
Dislikes: Poor manners, people that speak out of turn, fighting
Evelyn is seen as a ruthless Queen to Angelions. She has defended them from poverty, starvation, disease, and more. Ares and Gabriel are both afraid of her, as she refuses to let up her cold exterior.

Name: Gabriel Perowe
Age: 48
Gender: Male
Race: Angelion
Creator: Digital
Likes: Stability, early mornings, warm weather
Dislikes: Late nights, sweet foods, boredom
Gabriel first met Evelyn on the day of their engagement. He was a minor noble, and one that preferred books to people. He's afraid of his wife, but cares for Ares dearly.

Name: Agnes Pendragon
Age: 245
Gender: Female
Race: Maruvian
Creator: Hatty
Likes: Dark magic, cats, paintings
Dislikes: Silence, sour foods, laziness
Agnes is Elyan's stepmother and one of the sole surviving members of Maru. As Queen of Maru, she managed to spare herself from the tragedy, and froze herself and her family to await the arrival of Azrael.

Name: Elyan Pendragon
Age: 218
Gender: Male
Race: Maruvian
Creator: Hatty
Likes: Artemis, dark magic, Maru
Dislikes: Sand, being weak, losing
Elyan originally introduced himself as a student of magic, but his own spells possessed weird properties. It was later revealed that he's the Prince of Maru, and a Maruvian, sent to guard Artemis from danger.

Name: Lanslet Pendragon
Age: 243
Gender: Male
Race: Maruvian
Creator: Hatty
Likes: Dark magic, music, power
Dislikes: Crowds, rats, dust
Lanslet is Elyan's father and one of the sole surviving members of Maru. It was his suggestion to send Elyan to protect Artemis. As King, he taught Elyan everything that he knew.

Name: Poena
Age: Immortal
Gender: Non-binary
Race: Prince of Cordibus (Vengeance)
Creator: Ace
Likes: Her 'toys', receiving new 'toys', cats
Dislikes: Being bored, sunny days, being told what to do
Poena hasn't had many toys to play with lately. Their shrine is hidden out of fear of them. When Carmine introduces himself to them, they take on a playful spirit.

Name: Misa July "MJ" Shirogane
Age: 18
Gender: Non-binary
Race: Angelion
Creator: Digital
Likes: Sweets, exercise, poetry
Dislikes: Silence, her parents, uptight people
MJ doesn't talk much about her home life, but her wings are broken and she can't fly for long. She's friends with Ares, and prefers to stay as far away from her home as possible. As to why, she refuses to say.

Name: Ursula Tethys
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Creator: Ace
Likes: Magic, demons, roses
Dislikes: Her family, children, being weak
Ursula pretended to be friendly with Artemis, but really, she was planning on using her as another sacrifice so she could become more powerful. She accompanied Artemis in the hopes to get a chance to sacrifice her once everyone else had perished.

Name: Tonaros
Age: Immortal
Gender: Non-Binary
Race: Prince of Cordibus (Immortality)
Creator: Hatty
Likes: Politeness, making deals, sweet treats
Dislikes: Being idle, rain, rudeness
Tonaros looked upon Artemis with pity, and it's easy to see why. They control the gates between life and death, and those that make a deal with them must offer up their soul.

Name: Artemis Vesper
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Race: Hybrid (Human/Angelion)
Creator: Ace
Likes: Cute animals, exploring, nighttime
Dislikes: Monsters, spiders, the rain
Artemis is an able fighter, but mostly grew up on her own. There's not many people in Belltou. She has a soft heart, and aims to help as many people as possible.

Name: Vyllax
Age: Immortal
Gender: Male
Race: Demon
Creator: Hatty
Likes: Manicures, fashion, teasing others
Dislikes: Mud, dirtiness, losing
Vyllax is Azrael's ex, although it's hard to imagine how that relationship would've worked. They work for Adrastos, but they've been seen working for other Princes.

Name: Tohru Wahabashi
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Race: Flittel
Creator: Hatty
Likes: Swimming, ghosts, magic
Dislikes: Hats, bright lights, loud noises
Tohru's parents were hatters, but they died due to the chemicals they used in the process. He lives in their old hat shop, spending his time investigating the paranormal, or helping MJ escape her parents.

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