II. A Fated Meeting

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Something sounded outside your window.

You were home, enjoying yourself after a walk through the market. Three vendors had just opened up shop next to the pomegranate stand, and you overheard parts of their conversation as you browsed the day's options. You could at least recall an older woman's voice specifically, but not much else. There hadn't been proper time to see their wares, though you'd wager from the elaborate tapestries on display that there must have been blankets and such in the tent. Maybe later in the day there'd be time to go back and buy a nicely weaved rug for your living space. Something to make the house feel more like a home... Lately, it just felt empty.

You frowned slightly, staring out into the open air. It was something like an audible wind that had rushed by a moment ago. Not quite a breeze, but you hadn't heard any birdsong or similar since returning home.

And yet... it was oddly compelling. There was no real reason to step outside -- if anything, the sound might've been potentially dangerous -- but you found yourself wanting to venture out nonetheless. The house can only keep you cooped up for so long, after all. Why stay inside when you can relax in the fields, or head back into the heart of town? You felt this sudden rush to just *go*.

Smiling big, you stepped out into the fresh air. Golden grass rustled under a beautiful stretch of clear sky as a gleaming white feather fluttered down before you. It was a calming display.

The wind picked up again, and with it, everything seemed to rush by you.
What was this feeling? The ground somehow went over your head in an instant. The sun was gone. It was dark. It didn't feel like you were falling, but the flickers that your eyes managed to make sense of seemed to say otherwise. You thought about closing them forever so you wouldn't have to find out.

Then it was over. Before you could even begin to process what just happened, your sandals scraped against harsh green stone.

"Erm, hello."

You shrieked. The surprise of hearing a sudden voice caused you to stumble before finally steadying yourself.

There was a man before you.

And... something about him didn't seem entirely real.

Your eyes noted the gleaming laurels in his hair, each leaf seeming to shine toward the heavens as would a steady campfire. A menacing bunch of animal skulls was draped over his left shoulder, though the added weight didn't seem to be of a significant bother to him. Though, why would it? He certainly looked strong enough to hold his own. And--

"Holy shit, your feet are on fire!"

You jumped back, instantly fearing for both your own safety and his. "Uh, just- stomp them on the ground or something! Hurry!" You began to wave your hands about frantically, almost fanning yourself in a poor attempt to stay calm. "Put it out! Before it burns us!"

"I... don't think dragging my feet around is going to do much about that," the man replied, responding in a somewhat confused and honestly much too relaxed manner for the situation. "My flames aren't going anywhere. And it shouldn't be of harm to either of us. Just... been that way since I was born, really. Though, I appreciate the concern. I suppose."

Wh- was he being serious? You regarded him cautiously, considering the lack of fear in his voice. He simply held your gaze in response. But, truly -- how could anyone be born that way? Impossible. Maybe someone of legend or divine origin, but... What a strange lie.

You shook your head from disbelief and looked around, though the only person in sight was him. Come to think of it, how did HE get here?

As if to read your thoughts, the tall stranger spoke on cue. "Oh, but, where are my manners? I should introduce myself before anything." He offered an unexpectedly polite smile to you, and it was then that you noticed his eyes didn't match. One was even more green than the unfamiliar room you found yourselves in, and the other was as red the fire he still hadn't tried extinguishing. They stood out brightly from under some stray black hair falling into his face. "My name is Zagreus. I'm assuming you were sent here to offer me help of some sort. But, erm..." His voice trailed off somewhat awkwardly, as if he couldn't fully bring himself to say what he was thinking.

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