5 Chapter

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       Non it's so good your the best cookie maker.... I want one more please give me Non...

      Ohm you already eat six cookies and it's not good for you if keep eating you don't eat dinner baby after you finish dinner i will give you cookies...

     Hmm... But i still have more space in my tummy and it's not me who eat all the cookies it was nong Boo who eat all i just eat small poor me ... Look at Non nong Boo tell him you are the one who eat it....

      I watched as Ohm taking to a bunny doll i brought him yesterday, he really likes the doll he even named it he not separate from the toy till now looks like Doll had fan than me....

         Alright i believe you Ohm here eat it's last after you gonna have your nap time...

      Can I take nong Boo with me Non he said he always tried.

      Yes you can Ohm come let go...

    After i made sure Ohm was sleeping i come out of the room.

         I call to Ohm's father, I know he was not in good State all i want both father and son be alright.

          After I share my day and we talk about some time.

          I suddenly Heard crying sound i said to father i will call back than cut the call, went inside our bedroom i hug Ohm who was still crying i cares his shoulder sing his favourite song, One he stopped his crying i hold his face on my both of the hands looks at him.

       What happened Ohm why you cried look at you how tired you looking.

      I had nightmare Non where you leaves me in dark i keep called you but you gone " And never come back i was scared suddenly someone push me i fallen down" when i opened you not near me Ohm was scared and it full of dark i.... I was scared Non..

          Iam sorry Ohm don't cry it's was dream and i not gonna leave you.

     After sometime I still holding him.

    For past one week Ohm keep having this dream in all his dream i wound only leave him.

        I was worried for him that why i thought it would nice if he had doll for his comfort.

        I was not had good experience when it's comes to handle child and that child being Ohm it's more hard for me to handle i had do extra care of him, i have make sure he eat on time he take his medicine on time he had his good sleep so and so but it's not burden for me i don't feel Ohm has a burden in my life i never able to even if I want, I try my best to help him back his own self.

       And i know at the end when time comes i was really gonna live him.

       I give him the freedom i will start my own life ones I got to know Ohm was fine without me.

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