Wolfstar child is born

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@lily had posted

Welcome my baby girl Comments @wolfstarshipper:what's the baby name @remusxsirius:lily hope black for now @marlene:do cuteeeeee @alicexfrank:I love her@mary:can me peter Alice frank Dorcas and Marlene meet her@remusxsirius:sure @remusxsirius had p...

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Welcome my baby girl
@wolfstarshipper:what's the baby name
@remusxsirius:lily hope black for now
@marlene:do cuteeeeee
@alicexfrank:I love her
@mary:can me peter Alice frank Dorcas and Marlene meet her
@remusxsirius had posted

Welcome my baby girl Comments @wolfstarshipper:what's the baby name @remusxsirius:lily hope black for now @marlene:do cuteeeeee @alicexfrank:I love her@mary:can me peter Alice frank Dorcas and Marlene meet her@remusxsirius:sure @remusxsirius had p...

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Marlene playing with the princess
@potterprongs:ask me to help out whenever

Real life
"Hey Sirius were is remus"James ask "sleeping with lily"Sirius said what Sirius knows remus is shagging lily and he is fine with it "he cheating"James ask clueless he know that remus and Sirius have a daughter name lily hope black and made him godfather "no the baby we have to started saying lily hope"Sirius said "am miss sharing a dorm with you"James said he miss talking to Sirius late at night miss planing pranks miss doing dumb things now Sirius acted all grow up he was getting married and he had a new born daughter that he needed to watch well all he knew about the schedule is that Remus would wake up it the middle of the night with her and Sirius would wake up early and James would babysit the baby on full moons and whenever Sirius and Remus needed it and lily would watched the baby on full moons nights

Not real life anymore

@potterprongs had posted

Got the girl Comments @marlene:yasss @Dorcasxmarlene:hell yah @Remusxsirius:yasssss @mary:am so happy

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Got the girl
@Dorcasxmarlene:hell yah
@mary:am so happy

@siriuslygay have posted

Daddy has put her hair upComments@lily:noo me and James watched her the other night Caues you and Remus needed to study @potterprongs:yeah@dorcas:broo

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Daddy has put her hair up
@lily:noo me and James watched her the other night Caues you and Remus needed to study

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2022 ⏰

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