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Time is strange it is, was, and always will be. It is the thing that allows everything to happen if not for time there would be nothing. If time was to disappear everything would (STOP). There wouldn't be a reason for anything to exist, there would be nothing to make anything progress. All is lost without time. Say you were wanting to throw a pillow, how would you be able to do so if there was not time. You would just stand there motionless, looking like you were paralyzed. And how would you even be able to have thoughts if that was so. You would be nothing. You would not be able to think because thinking needs progression and progression is time, always moving forward, always existing. So how could anything exist (scientifically speaking ) the big bang theory is impossible, scientists say that something just randomly exploded and created everything, even time. But how is this possible because time had to exist to allow the thing which exploded to be created. How can that thing only be decribed as just existing. So I say time is only an idea, only a fluke of mankind's dumb minds which try, but fail to understand everything.

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