Chapter 2

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Charlotte' POV
I walked towards class hastily, avoiding eye contact with anybody. Suddenly, I felt an arm slip through mine. "Hi, I'm Tori. You must be Charlotte, the new girl. I have math with Megan and she's told me a lot about you and your twin sister." I was speechless. How did she know what I looked like? How does she know that it's me and not Anne? "Uh...Hi. have chemistry now?" I managed to stammer out. Ugh, I sounded like an iidiot and look at me! A leather jacket, plain blue shirt, skinny jeans, ordinary pumps. I look horrible! "Yup, I wasn't here yesterday so you wouldn't know me right?" Tori asked. "Well, no," I replied.
Suddenly, the bell rang. Gasping, we hurried to the classroom. "You're late girls, but I'm assuming that Ms Henderson, you were helping Ms Fernandez out as its only her second day?" Our chemistry teacher asked. "Yes, of course I was showing her around," Tori replied. Nodding, she gestured for us to take our seats. "Now, where is Mr Easons?" The teacher asked. Just then, a good-looking boy with blonde hair and chocolate brown eyes walked in. Sweat was dripping from his forehead making him look even cuter. The teacher frowned, "Dylan Easons, go take a shower and change, NOW!" The teacher's voice shook the whole classroom. I nudged Tori who was sitting next to me. "Who was that boy?"I asked. "Dylan Easons, school's bad boy. Irresponsible, ignorant and very egotistical. But also super hot," Tori replied. I couldn't help but think about him. After 14 years, I had never been interested in boys, in fact, it was usually the other way around. As he left the classroom, he caught my eye and winked at me. I felt heat rush to my cheeks. I was frozen with shock. "'re blushing. You like him don't you?" Tori poked my cheek playfully. "No!" I exclaimed. "Lie all you want honey,"Tori grinned. I sighed, I never thought I would say this, but I think I have a crush on someone.
Anne's POV
I was already seated when the bell rang. The teacher strode into the classroom carrying a stack of papers. "Everybody, we have a new student with us today. Anne, would you like to come up and introduce yourself?" Reluctantly, I stood up and walked to the front of the class. "H...hi. I'm Anne. I just transferred here from Kansas," I explained. "Thank you Anne. You may join Jaxon's group for now," the teacher smiled. "Over here!" A cute boy with braces and curly brown hair waved to me. Char wouldn't think he's cute anyway, she dislikes nerds, except for me and Megan of course. "Hey! New girl," Jaxon called out. I pointed to myself. Me? "Yeah you, is there any other new girl? Quit daydreaming and come and help us out," he continued. "Hi, I'm Hannah. This is Savannah, Brody and you probably already know Jaxon," a girl said. She had shoulder length brown hair which was tied in a ponytail and wore glasses. Savannah smiled sheepishly while Brody waved. "Alright class, settle down. You may continue your compositions," Ms Kaylans (FYI our teacher) handed out the compositions. As we discussed our introduction, plot, etc. ideas kept slipping of my tongue. At the end of the lesson, I already felt like a part of the group. "Anne, would you like to join our group? We pretty much do every single group project together," Jaxon told me. "Uh.... My pleasure. It would be my pleasure to join your group," I replied.
"Great! So I'll see you around?"
"Yeah sure, but maybe I could, you know, get to know the group better."
"How bout' lunch tomorrow?"
"Yup, sure. Bye!"
As I walked off to find Charlotte, I felt my heart warm a bit. He was super cute. I wanted to tell Charlotte, but I've got a feeling that she's just going to disapprove of my choice. So, I've decided not to tell her about my crush on Jaxon.
Dylan's POV
I didn't even know her name. Yet, something seemed different. As I showered, I went through the 'plan' in my head. Four simple steps. Well, simple for me, of course. With looks, you could get anywhere. This plan worked on every girl that I know. 1) become friends 2) fall for me 3) hook up 4) dump her. Somehow, the last step made me feel uneasy. As I walked out of the male's locker room, class was already over. I sighed. Just when I thought step one would have to wait, I spotted her amongst a group of friends. Standing beside her was a girl who looked vaguely similar to her. Except, she was a nerd. How I hated nerds. I once had a friend, a best friend. We had been in the same school for as long as I can remember. Then, high-school came. Slowly, we drifted further and further apart. Now, I'm a bad boy with tons of friends. He, on the other hand, is a nerd. He has like what? 3 other friends. His name is Jaxon.
Jaxon's POV
Anne. Her name was Anne. Short, sweet and sophisticated. Sure, she was nerdy, she wore glasses and cares so much about her grades, but so am I. I became a nerd awhile after following Mr bad boy. We were so close ,until high school. We found new friends and didn't even have any classes together. Since Kindergarten, he had wanted to do all the wrong things. It was my job to prevent him from doing so. Years passed and high school came. I could no longer stop him from doing the wrong things anymore. He was standing on his own two feet. One day, we got into a fight, we haven't spoken to each other since. I saw him hanging around Anne, that made me feel uneasy. If he ever laid his hands on her I swear..."Hey Jaxon!" Anne chirped, I spun around to face her. I was so engrossed in my own thoughts that I didn't realize that she had walked towards me. "Hi," I smiled. Just then, her phone rang. "Oops, sorry. Gotta go," she said, walking away to answer her phone. As I watched her turn away, I felt my heart warm. Something made me feel weird when I was around her. Shrugging it off, I made my way towards my locker. Just then, I bumped into a cute girl. She looked vaguely like Anne, except she wore designer clothes and had a bad girl look. Dropping her books, she hastily apologized and bent down to pick them up. I too, bent over to help her and said," Dorry, I wasn't watching where I was going. "What's your name?" Being the school's 'nerd' I knew almost everybody in school, but she looked unfamiliar. "I'm Charlotte. Char for short as my sister like to call me. You must be Jaxon. Anne' told me about you. We're new here," she laughed. She seemed easy going and kind, but she was popular. Like the type who chases bad boys, like Dylan, and of course, the bad boy chases her too. As she walked away, I noticed her link arms with Anne as a few other girls huddled around them, mainly Charlotte though. They seemed to ignore Anne but Charlotte managed to get Anne involved in the conversation. She wasn't the typical bad girl. Sure, her appearance told a different story but her heart was kind. I guess you can never judge a book by its cover
Anne's POV
The school bell rang signaling the end of school. I had a few friends, but they were all Char's friends who were willing to accept me as a nerd. Although it was only our first week here, Char already had a ton of friends. She knew most of the girls in school and quite a few boys. After putting our stuff back in our lockers, we started walking home. Just then, a girl who was teetering on super high heels bump Ed into us. A few papers fluttered to the ground "Ugh... Pick it up! I'm tots not gonna bend over right now!" She said in an overly high-pitched voice. After returning the papers and apologizing, we stared at her, shocked beyond words at her rude behavior. She plastered a fake sweet smile on her face and said, ( again in an overly high-pitched voice ) " I mean, vote for me as homecoming queen!" With that, she strutted off. "Who was that?" I asked Char. "Cheryl Anderson. The most popular girl in school. Ugh what a fake," Char replied. We both shuddered at the thought of her waving proudly at everybody if she did win homecoming queen. Trying to forget the thought, we continued back home.

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