bonus: cheers

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bonus chap since i can't let this fic go yet

bonus chap since i can't let this fic go yet

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"So, since Yunho's got a pacemaker in his chest, this means we can technically call him a cyborg, right?"

Yunho groans from where he's sprawled out on the loveseat big enough to hold his entire weight and height, and mumbles something incoherent that's further drowned out by the christmas movie playing on the TV. The colours shine over his faintly flushed cheeks and make his half-opened eyes sparkle.

"Right?" Mingi decides to give his hypothesis a go once more, low voice slurred as a giggle erupts from his throat right then. He begins to laugh -- at nothing.

Wooyoung watches from where he's seated at the dinner table, its sleek surface providing ample room for him and San to play their UNO game.

"Starting to think Mr Jeong and my mom letting Mingi and Yunho drink was a bad, bad idea," he says, but he's quite amused as well. "Drunk people look so funny when drunk."

"...So I look funny too?" San asks. He's donned in an ugly green christmas sweater that he somehow manages to make work. In fact, he's the one who bought it and a matching one for Wooyoung, half as a joke but the shorter had worn it on Christmas with him. But then San kept wearing his, even on today which is New Year's Eve.

And Wooyoung... he finds it really cute.

"Not really," Wooyoung makes a show of stroking his chin. "You didn't drink as much as Yunho and Mingi -- especially Mingi -- so you're good."

It's purposeful though, San's option to remain mostly sober, that is. As soon as he figured Wooyoung doesn't like how getting drunk makes him feel, he swiftly dialed it down with the drinking. Though he hadn't taken much, his face grew a little pink, and Wooyoung would be lying if he said San didn't look simply stunning like this.

"Really?" San questions, eyes wide. An upside to seeing the taller slightly drunk is how utterly adorable he becomes. He gets a lot more talkative too, more excitable. And it makes Wooyoung happy, because San needs this. Needs a moment where he's only in a good mood throughout with a smile on his face, because that's what he deserves after all that's happened.

"Turn that oooofff," Mingi slurs from his seat, his voice loud enough to even disrupt the conversation happening between Mr Jeong and Wooyoung's mother at the porch outside. "It's nearly New Year's and you're watchin' christmas movies? The fuck?"

"Language," Yunho's dad chastises, arms crossed like the teacher he is. But his gaze is fond, if not a little amused.

"Oops," Mingi laughs, "sorry."

"Shut up," Yunho speaks up at that moment.

"No you shut up."

Yunho throws some skittles at Mingi's face.

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