Chapter 25 - Fixing up Things

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So, turns out, out of everyone, Taehyung was the one who got hurt the most

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So, turns out, out of everyone, Taehyung was the one who got hurt the most. Amelia was fine now, and so was Hoseok, as long as Jungkook didn’t find out that he was the one to give Amelia some of his blood for her to heal her leg.

Amelia was now in bed, seated while hugging a pillow looking at Jungkook while he slept away his wounds. Luna giggled lightly from the bottom of the bed. She had just finished lighting up some sage so the room was all nicely scented.

“What is it?”

“Well, the tables have turned. Now you’re the one watching him sleep. Hoseok told me Jungkook stayed and watched over you.” Luna said, leaning on the pole of the bed with her hip while she looked over at the sleeping vampire beside Amelia.

“Well, it’s about time I do something for him, no? He saved me. And Taehyung, too. Can you make sure he’s okay? He’s stubborn.”

“Oh, love… You’ve been doing a lot more for him than you think. But yes, I’ll check on Taehyung, don’t worry.” Luna replied, eyes soft when she looked at Amelia, who only blushed and stayed quiet while the Alchemist left.

Luna brought her hands up to her hair and started to release it, suddenly feeling tired. Well, if her shop and apartment hadn’t been blown up by a certain ginger maniac, she could still go home for a hot shower and a nice fresh set of clothes.

When passing by one of the rooms, she heard a couple of complaints and loud voices, before the door opened and Namjoon came storming out. He grumbled under his breath, shaking his head in disbelief before he glanced her way.

“Luna, ‘sup?”

Luna looked between the door and Namjoon. She didn’t particularly knew who slept where, aside from Amelia and the twins. So, really, this could be anybody’s room.

“What happened?”

Namjoon instantly lost the smug smile he always had and rolled his eyes.

“Taehyung is a dumbass, that’s what- “

Just as he was finishing talking, Jin came out of the room as well, brows in a frown and looking quite annoyed as well.

“You know what, this little shit can die on his own. See if I give a fuck!” He announced, stomping his way down the hall.

“There you have it. Guy doesn’t want help.” Namjoon summarized, shrugging and turning to leave as well.

Luna was in left in awe.

So, this was Taehyung’s room? Listening for a while longer, for any signs of him inside the room, a loud curse was heard and this time she was able to pinpoint the voice of Taehyung distinctively.

She didn’t really bother knocking and simply opened the door, finding him seated on his bed, trying to remove his bloodied shirt. He still had that big cut on his left side. When he heard the door close, Taehyung looked up.

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