Star Wars: He Was a Good Friend

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Word spread throughout the base like wildfire. It usually did when the news involved the two most famous Jedi alive. From clone troopers to Jedi Masters, Knights and Padawans; everyone had heard, and they all had ventured towards the training room to catch a glimpse. One glimpse of the two heroes was all they wanted.

Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker were about to engage in a practice duel.


"They're here again, Obi-Wan," Anakin griped, his voice having deepened much in the last three years since he left behind the awkwardness of being a teenager.

The elder man just smiled as he removed his robe and tunics, revealing a well-sculpted upper body. "Ignore them. You used to be good at that," he teased his former apprentice.

Anakin chuckled as he caught sight of a few teenage females. They three girls had their eyes glued to Obi-Wan's bare chest. "I believe you have a few admirers, Master."

Obi-Wan turned his blue-gray gaze towards their audience and smiled. He could sense the embarrassment of the younglings at having been caught watching him.

"Stop flirting, Obi-Wan, you're going to give them ideas," Anakin playfully chastised his older companion as he began removing his own tunics.

"I'm not flirting, Anakin. I'm just being friendly," he explained.

Anakin's laughter carried across the empty room. "Sure you are. You know, for someone that sticks whole-heartedly to the Jedi Code, you sure seem to have a way with the ladies, Master."

"The Code doesn't forbid being charming, Anakin," Obi-Wan said. "I can't help it if I'm irresistibly handsome."

Anakin doubled over in laughter at that comment. His sides ached and his eyes watered as he tried to calm himself.

"Personally, I think they feel sorry for you. They can see that I'm the better-looking of the two of us," Anakin finally managed. "I mean, I'm more than fifteen years your junior; I'm taller and faster and I'm much more powerful a...."

He never got to finish his statement. As usually happened during their friendly banter, Anakin would gush about his own skills and would be totally unprepared for the sneak attack that landed him on his back, facing the business end of Obi-Wan's glowing blue lightsaber.

"You're my brother, Anakin, and my best friend," Obi-Wan told the younger man as he lay on the floor, his face inches from the white-hot saber. "You're definitely taller and younger, and sometimes faster than I, but you will absolutely never be better looking than I am, my very young former apprentice."

It took less than a few seconds before both men were laughing. Obi-Wan reached a hand down and helped Anakin up from the floor. Once on his feet, Anakin sent a mock glare at Obi-Wan.

"I'll never understand how you catch me off guard all the time," Anakin grumbled good-naturedly. "Someday, when you least expect it, I'm gonna beat you. You're gonna be the one with my saber at your neck."

Obi-Wan smiled. "Not for a long time, Anakin. Not for a very long time indeed."

Anakin mirrored the smile. "What do you say we skip the practice today and go have a drink?"

Obi-Wan tossed Anakin his clothing as he began dressing himself. "Good idea. We can practice tomorrow."

The two men walked happily out into the bright sunlight, the heat of the day bathing them in red and gold. After a few moments of staring up into the brilliant blue sky and watching the shifting clouds, Obi-Wan turned his gaze upon his former student.

"I'm very proud of you, Anakin," he said quietly. "You're a good man and a good friend."

Anakin met his stare. "Thank you, Master. So are you, far beyond anyone else I have ever known. This war has torn so many things apart. I'm glad it hasn't done that to you and me."

They shared a gentle smile before heading off together to find their drinks.

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