My Trip To London (1D Fan-Fic)

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"This is gonna be the best summer of my life!" I tell my friend, Tayler, when I get to her house. Tayler invited me to join her family for a summer long trip to London.

We're about to board the plane. This is gonna be a long ride, but its totally worth it! I've read so many stories about London and how amazing it is, when Tayler asked I literally screamed. I don't scream often, so that's saying a lot.

"Calm yourself, Aria! We're not even on the plane yet." She says, rolling her eyes.

Figures she wouldn't be excited. She's gone to London every summer of her miserable life.

"Don't rain on my parade." I pout. We go through the security checkpoint with no problem and board a tram that takes us to the plane.

"Goodbye, Miami!" I say, grinning from ear to ear. I am so flipping excited!

"You act like you're never coming back." Tayler says.

I don't know how she's not excited. I mean, sure she's been here before, but London is a big place!

"I hope I'm not." I say.

We board the plane and Tayler and I sit in the same row, one seat in between.

I slide out my laptop.

"Wanna make a YouTube video?" I ask.

Sometimes Tayler and I make YouTube videos when we're bored and get decent views, but not great.

"Ehh, why not."

I log into my computer and turn on the camera.

"Hullo World!" Tayler says.

"I'm Aria." I say, spreading my arms dramatically.

"And I'm Tayler!" She yells, earning severally shh's from other passengers.

I lean in close to the camera. "They're just jealous." I whisper with a wink.

"Anywho," I continue, "We're on the way to London! Eep!" I say, barely controlling the volume of my squeals.

"Except my loser best friend's not even excited." She fake punches me and I flinch.

"Baby." She says. I stick out my tongue.

"We'll be making video diaries about the trip and so I guess this can count as video diary: London part one."I say.

"If you know of anything awesome we can do while we're in London, comment below, and we'll let you know if we go! Tayler out!"

"Loves, Aria." I say and stop the video.

I quickly upload it to YouTube and turn off my computer.

I suddenly realize how tired I am, as I yawn. I recline my chair about a foot back and pull out my dolphin pillow pet. His name is Free Willy. I lay my head on his soft underbelly and drift off into dreamland.


10 Hours Later

Tayler and I just stand around awkwardly, waiting for her parents to finish talking with the car rental staff. After a couple minutes they come over to us.

"It might be awhile. Why don't you guys go sit in the waiting area?" Her mom suggests, gesturing with her arm toward and over-crowded room full of chairs.

I shrug and walk over there. When we get to the room and walk around for awhile, we realize there aren't any two seats side by side. We're gonna have to split up. I sigh and plop down into the first chair I see.

I slip my phone out of my pocket and check my twitter.

@ariajhunts17: Stuck at the airport.

I exit out and see that I have a new connection.

@harry_styles is now following you!


Hey everyone!

This is my first fan-fic so I hope you like it!

Also I don't really like the name so after you read this chapter, let me know if I should change the name!

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