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     The one day both the little females are gone. Sunday. Ahhhh. Just saying it makes me feel good. It's so quiet. The big guy is in his office working on endless computer stuff, the female in her room making silent calls. I go onto the paw-shaped platform on my cat condo and look outside. I once over-heard my humans talking about my parents. They said that my mother had a lot of kittens. Now you might be thinking, what does this have to do with you liking to go outside? Well, I say: I heard them say that my father was a stray. That he knew the ways to the outside world. To be honest, he might be my idol....besides Nicolas Cage. 

     The little human girls like to watch adventurous movies. Their favorite one by far is National Treasure. It's also my favorite. The main character, Benjamin Franklin Gates, his family are treasure "hunters". Why I wrote that was because, well, they don't want to keep the treasure to themselves, they want to make sure OTHER people don't steal it. Ben knows so much about world history, and it's so cool to watch. I also like the music to it. That's why it's also my favorite movie. And the teenage female now really likes to talk about world history and how she is smarter than this guy named Vaughn. 

     I go to my water fountain. Sluuurrp. I drink my water and go to the couch. It's a blue-ish green-ish couch with a teal-blue blanket on top of it. I'm really glad that blanket is there, it helps me fall asleep. So anyway, after that Z ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZ ZZ Z ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

Sorry, I just needed to catch a few Zs. It's really hard to stay awake when you are on a comfy couch. 

     So I sat on the couch, doing nothing. Then the big male came out of his room and drove the car away. 

I saw him ten minutes later back with the girls. YESSSSSS!!! I have never felt so happy for them to be home. It's sort of lonely without them. The big female comes over to the the kitchen. She starts making dinner for the family. I rub my face affectionately against her leg. That means, "I love you." I really do love my family. I have no idea how I would live without them. I have a blurry vision of this really weird lady with a bright red car feeding me yucky stuff. I felt like I was eating worms or something. Then one day, they arrived, the big male and the girls. The first time the little one held me, oh her hands were so soft, I slept the whole way to my new home, the girls coming up with names for me. 

"He looks like a Sammy. Oh, no! A Danny!" said the teen female. I could tell she loved me a lot. 

"No," the little one said. "Doesn't he look like a Charlie? Like the one in Rags! The Cinderella Story!" 

The older girl gasped.

"You're right!" that was the last time I saw them get along. They joked a little about how my purring sounded like snoring. If I knew how to laugh, I would. 

The big male gave me food, there's rice in it this time. Hmmm, healthy. BLEACH!!! This tastes weird. I better eat the little healthy crackers today. Cool! They're shaped like fish! That reminded me, it's time to play. I bite on my fish toy and bring it to the dinner table. The humans move a little switch, and—like magic—the fish toy begins to flop off the table. Flop. Flop. Flop. I push the fish off the table and watch it fall. Then, I leap and start to scratch and bite the fish. Ahh. Playtime is the best. But I'm tired now, so I go to sleep. Comfy. 

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Hi. It's night time now. I feel super-energetic, but I don't want to wake my humans. I go to the teenage female's room and I lick her face. She wakes up and smiles at me. I rub my face against hers. I would never want to miss a moment like this. 

After she falls asleep again, I go to the little one's room, the door is wide open. She usually keeps her door closed, that's odd. When I walk in, she is trying hard to put something in her eye. It looks hard, but I REALLY want to try it. 

"Charlie, these are contacts, they are super expensive, so don't make me lose them," she says softly. She finally puts it in. She went to sleep after that, I nudged her to see if she was awake and could play with me, but she was not. Wow. Putting on contacts must be really tiring, it was like a second before she fell asleep that she put them on. Never mind, I don't want to try them. 

The next thing I knew, I was jumping on to the bigger humans' bed. they were still awake watching television. So I watched with them. I sat on the male's lap. Partly because it's bigger, partly because I always do. I fall asleep watching someone on the screen burst to the outside world, laughter on her face. 

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