Empty shell

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Day 10 without you. I feel like someone ripped the other half of me, even tho I feel like my whole being is gone is just body without soul or heart left. The wind blows thru me echoing where before was my soul, it slithers it's way  even thru the tiniest gap screaming for you. You might think I'm childish, you might think I'm acting crazy , but I know without you that's not me. All is left of me is the shell that you used to  like so much. I remember how my heart was melting in a thumberes way when you smiled at me, when you looked me in the eyes with your so astonishing look millions of volts were going thru my body, igniting my heart with more and more affection towards you. You were my bypass,keeping me alive. Now I'm just a shell.  An empty shell . Every minute alone, without you, feels like a year. Every minute  without you, alone, with my busy with thoughts brain feels like I'm being chased by wasps stinging me every time I breath in or out. You were, you are and you will always be my love, my world ,my babe. My everything. I was stupid, I was dumb, I was blind! I'm sorry! Your hand is no longer on my thigh to hold it tight. Your eyes are now looking  someone else like the way they  were looking at me before. Now someone else is the reason why you giggle, why you smile,why you laugh. Your aroma is no longer around me to hypnotize me completely making me do absolutely everything for you. You were my happiness. You were my joy. There's nothing left of who I was. I'm now just a shell, an empty shell. I hope one day your eyes incredible again  to cross mine and all the great memories to start flooding your mind and again you to come and fulfill my empty broken self , and me one more time  to become a person, a man. But until then I'm just a shell. Broken beyond repair!

                           -The Looming Shadow-

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2022 ⏰

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