1. Black socks

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I was never his type. He just pretended to like me so he could move on eventually. I was never his number one even though he was my first place. It hurts seeing him at practice looking a little too happy. Does he even think about me? Does he even care? Does he even care that I'm here dying on the inside wanting to jump In front of a train and he's out here being- okay sorry maybe that was a bit to dramatic but as i said, he doesn't care at all.

Ugh why is he so pretty- okay I got to stop now seriously. it seems like my life depends on this one... man. I promised myself to turn lesbian when I was 13 but this didn't turn out too well. I just love men. The way they look, act & make u feel special then throw you away like u were nothing... yep... I been through it all.

Mane is his name. His name is Mane... 6ft tall and dark brown hair. Got this hot tattoo on his right arm and is awfully pretty. He's my ex. We used to date but he threw me away some weeks ago. Acted like I did not exist after that anymore. Yeah, I know tragic but let's not give him the tears that he does not deserve, well at least not in public.

Here i am sitting In front of my ex in the fitting room of practice, I have been playing basketball ever since I was a little girl. My dad used to love it and ever since he passed away, I fell in love with playing it in person. My team is amazing it's like a family to me. There's only one problem. Mane is one of my teammates and yes, I know you're going to be like '' Nova you're so dumb for dating someone from the same team '' but listen we were different okay. We weren't clingy at all, well at least I wasn't clingy... maybe that's where it went wrong.

I look around in the fitting room to find a spot where I can change my shirt without every guy staring. I look around and notice that Mane isn't even here... will he still join us today? Even though I hate him I still want him to help the team out today we need him. I take off my shirt that I wore during the day and put on my team shirt. I been playing in a team with boys only ever since I was little. Even though I'm not the tallest I still have the power to play a good game. I walk up to the mirror in the fitting room and put my curly hair up into a ponytail. I look at myself wondering if I should put on a different pair of socks today, usually I go for bright colours like pink or green but today they're just black cause that's latterly how I feel. Today is my first day at practice again after the breakup. I haven't seen mane ever since he left me like that and I'm nervous to see his pretty but oh so dumb face again. He really hurt me, but we been known.

While following the guys from my team walking out of the fitting rooms inside the game hall, I notice someone already sitting on the bench with his feet up. I immediately notice the legs and my eyes wander back to my own feet. Mane is here already sitting on the bench eating an apple right before practice. Some of his friends greet him and I sit down like about 5 feet away from this man. I can't stand him. While staring at the ground waiting for coach I feel someone sitting next to me, I look up and see Owen one of mane his best friends next to me. Surprised to see him I give him a small smile '' haven't seen you in a while '' Owen says while softly giving me a push. I smile and stare at the ground again '' yeah, haven't really been feeling well '' I feel Owen moving a bit further away to give me some more space and I finally feel comfortable enough to look him in the eyes '' I can tell you're not feeling well, I heard about you and mane '' I nod and want to look down again but I don't '' has he said anything dumb about me ? '' I ask Owen smiles '' no he has his respect towards you '' I give him a small smile and Owen gives me one back again '' glad to see u again nova, you'll be okay '' he says while standing up again and walking away from me. Man, oh man why would he check up on me if I'm his best friends ex? Maybe he just likes me as a person, but I didn't really feel comfortable talking to him. Me and Mane's friends used to be close... not only because I was dating Mane but also because we're all in the same team. I fix my socks and notice coach coming into the room. Great let the game begin.. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2022 ⏰

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