Part One: The Picnic.

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The weather was rather exceptional for a picnic, atleast that was what a seemingly young couple thought. There were two people, a young lady in a red and white gingham-patterned sundress, and a boy of a similar age in a red turtleneck and brown jeans. The woman was seemingly complaining about her boyfriend running too fast, but all she could get in return was a sly smile and a chuckle. He was carrying a blanket and some bottles of apple cider, while she held a basket in one hand, and a sunhat in the other.
This was a spot notorious for first dates, but for this strange couple, this was their 15th or 16 date together, yet their first ever after getting officially married. "A-Alexander....! don't go so fast, you...! " The woman whined, seeming to be displeased with this 'Alexander' character (But not really, because she was currently freaking out like a middeschooler holding hands with their crush). " Don't be so slow then, Mari! You always complain. That's what I love about ya!" He laughed in response, finally stopping at a clear spot of grass and laying out the blanket. The basket and the two of them soon followed suit, as they began to get comfortable.

The abundance of almost delectable food set out on the blanket in baking dishes and plates was almost adorable, as the feeling of the effort put into each dish was visible. It was all Marianne's handiwork, but Alexander helped too... if you even called being restricted from all cooking surfaces help. But it was a joint effort nonetheless, and the thought of it made Marianne continue to blush. The tinge on her face was extremely apparent to her loving husband, as he just stared in wonder. It felt like only yesterday that they were sappy highschool sweethearts, and now... they lived together and even shared a bed! (How scandalous! /j) But she was still the same flustering darling he knew and loved. " Something wrong, MarMar? you look like you just had a chili pepper. " This joke earned him a small punch and a embarrassed squeal, but he knew it wouldn't impact her that bad.

Marianne let a hand slowly trail to her face, feeling her absolutely boiling cheek as she looked away and tipped her large sun hat to hide her face. Why did she even marry this dope.... that, she couldn't answer. But the way he was so nice, and how her heart fluttered when she so much as looked at him, it was clearly a good choice. To get rid of her embarrassment, she decided to grab a sandwich and begin angrily munching on it. Think, Marianne, think....

Alexander watched his darling with a grin, grabbing a sandwich aswell and eating it. Ham and swiss cheese.... his absolute favorite. Marianne's cooking was that of an angel (as was she) on earth, and he wouldn't eat anything else. She even owned a bakery, and if he had to admit... her uniform was adorable on her. He closed his eyes, humming quietly as a quiet memory sprung to his head...
" Alexander...! Wake up, we gotta go! class ended 5 minutes ago..! "
The long haired high schooler lifted up his head from the cold desk, grumbling as his eyes adjusted to the girl infront of him. He smiled at the short haired fireball he called his future wife, and chuckled. "Alright, alright.... let's go, huh" He pushed his seat in, bowing in a joking manner. " I'll make sure to hurry up, and who knows. Maybe on the way back we can stop at that cafe ya like! or is your dad gonna be home...? " Oh how he hated that old rat. His words stung, but his precious Marie always fought for him. "He won't, don't worry. Also alright! i'm sure you'll like this movie! it's horror, just like you asked... But if there's any jump scares, i'll cry.." She complained, but he just gently grabbed her hand to calm her down, rubbing it with his thumb in a comforting way. "You can hug me ALLL you want during the scary parts." Alexander smiled, before gently leading Marianne out of the classroom

"Alexander? Darling...?" Marianne looked at her husband in concern, tilting her head in curiosity. What was so interesting that he accidentally dropped his sandwich? She had packed extra just in cases but this was unlike him... "Huh.... Oh! Sorry babe, i was just... thinking of things." He sighed, before smiling as he was handed another sandwich. Classic Marianne, preparing for everything. "I swear, you always pick the worst times to- BEE!" She squeaked in horror as a yellow and black fuzzy insect buzzed around, shaking in terror as her husband just watched... before laughing! " Marmar... it's just a bee, don't worry. They only sting when... mad.. " He watched in confusion as his wife... seemed to start sniffling, before immediatly launching to her husband and grabbed him in a warm embrace.

"Protect me, my knight!" She cried out, burying her chest in his man boo- i mean pectorals. He just looked over, before bursting into laughter as he set a hand on her head. " The bee's gone, honey bun... and people are staring.. " He whispered, sparing a glance to the other couple who decided to have a picnic who were watching them, sending them a apologetic smile. "O-oh... " She quickly got up, her face as red as the strawberry jam she had made the week prior in a mason jar next to her. Oh, how he just wanted go give her a smooch. He was so down bad for his wife.

" .... Hey, Marianne? " Alexander looked over quietly, his face going serious. "Yes, Alex?" Marianne looked back over in worry, fearing the worst...

" I love you. "

And with that, Marianne seemed to pause, compute what he just said, before it seemed smoke began steaming out of her ears. Worried, Alexander gently grabbed her shoulders and shaked her. "Marianne? Marianne! Are you-" His sentence was broken up by a quick peck of two lips joining together, and as he tried to figure out what happened, he smiled under the kiss and hugged into it.

He was looking forward to his next date with his beautiful wife. :)

Author note:

I hope this story was pleasant to read! These two ocs are my pride and joy, and i am happy to share them with you guys.

If you ever want more of them, let me know!

Here are the ocs!

Marianne Aminski.

Alexander 'Cromov' Aminski

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Alexander 'Cromov' Aminski

Alexander 'Cromov' Aminski

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2022 ⏰

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