Part 1 idk

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You woke up from your slumber. Your stomach was rumbling, You realized you didn't eat dinner last night. You knew you should've ate dinner but you were too lazy, you went out of your room and find some money. You basically found money, now you just need to find your shoes. " Where is it? I could've sworn i putted it in the living room,, " you said. aha! you found your shoes. Now you're ready to go to the local convenience store!

You went outside and walked by the sideway, you arrived at the store. " Hi, welcome to 'a generic convenience store'. We are open for 24 hours. Place an item to buy, to buy the item talk to me again." The cashier said. You looked around and found some chips! You took the chips and went to the cashier. You placed the chips. " Are you sure you want to buy this? It will cost 15. " Said the cashier. You nodded and paid him. " Thank you for your purchase, i hope you come back soon. "

You left the generic convenience store and went back home, you ate the chips in your room and went back to sleep.

The next day.

You woke up from your sleep, thinking about it, the cashier looked kinda attractive to be honest. You thought of it, you wanted to visit him again. Not because of his face, it's because you don't have any food. You ran to find your shoes again, damn dude you have very bad memory. tada! you magically found your shoes. You put on your shoes and go outside to go to the convenience store.

You walk by the sideway and made your way into the convenience store.

" Oh, it's you again. Why did you come again? " The cashier said. " Well I don't have any breakfast,, haha. " You said stuttering. " Yeah okay, go get the stuff you need. " The cashier said rudely. 'damn bro he be rude as fuck' you thought to yourself. Anywaaays.. you took the eggs and bought it. You went home. You were red when you came home, YEAH you know it, you like the cashier. You like him, you don't know why, he'll probably not accept your feelings too. " Oh my god, why do i even like him, I don't know how and I don't know why. " You said while cooking (yes logic, you're now cooking the eggs.) You felt sleepy all the sudden. You decided to take a short nap.

Hours later. ( It is now night time lol )

You woke up from your 'short nap'. " What the- how many hours have i been sleeping? " You said. You checked the clock and it's 8PM, you were very hungry.. you checked the fridge but there was nothing. You decided to go buy some eggs at the convenience store. Annnddd... You don't know where your shoes are again.. goddamn, you sure have bad memory. You panicked, panicking wouldn't help you finding your shoes. Right? Nah, it did. You found your shoes and went outside to go to the convenience store. " Ah, hello again. What can i do for you today? " The cashier asked. " Oh uhh.. I'm finding food, I'll pay for it of course.. " You said. " Well, i can give you food but you have to give me a kiss, on the cheeks of course. " The cashier said. ' WHAT?? HE'LL GIVE ME FOOD FOR FREE JUST FOR A KISS ON THE CHEEKS?? OH MY GOD IS THIS REAL?? ' you thought to yourself while your face was turning red. " Just kidding, you have to pay for real. " The cashier said. " Oh. Okay then. " You sighed sadly, the cashier noticed it but didn't give a fuck about it. " That will be 30, for the whole box. " The cashier said. 'fuck. i forgot about my money..' you mumbled. " What did you say?" The cashier asked " oh um nothing.." you said sadly " You don't have money, is that what you said? " The cashier said " WHAT?? NO- I HAVE MONEY LIKE RIGHT NOW!! " You said " okay then give it, you have to pay you know. " The cashier said rudely. " ...okay fine I don't have money, i-i went broke, my dad hasn't been sending me money for a week. I don't know why. " You said. " Yeah okay, just kiss me on the cheeks. " The cashier said. " ... " You're gonna kiss the cashier just for food? wow bro! that's so lucky especially when you like the cashier.

After a whole minute of silence you finally kissed the cashier on the cheeks. The people were staring at you, the cashier blushed. Your social anxiety goes up, you can feel them staring at you. You hugged the cashier because you were scared. " Hmm? Are you okay? " The cashier asked. " ... they're staring at us.. " you said while being scared. " Yeah i know but it'll be okay, also what's your name? I never asked it haha.. " the cashier asked " it's.. [Y/N].. " you stuttered. " Ah, that's a cute name. " The cashier said jokingly. " No it's not!! " You said blushing. The cashier chuckles. " What's so funny?!??!?! " You asked. " Oh it's nothing. " The cashier said " hmph!!! "


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