The past is starting to unravel

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*screaming* he's SO CUTE!!!!!

Ratchet was the first to awaken. Groaning he asked 

" Where are we?" 


"I just asked that you bolt for a brained fool!" snapped Ratchet

"Great, not only am I stuck with repair bots now I'm stuck with Decepticon scum too," Sentinel whined 

" You know Sentinel, your voice is very annoying," Sari said, smiling to herself as he sputtered his protests 

" Not to interrupt anything but where are Bossbot and Megacreep?" Bumblebee asked. This got everyone's attention. Well at least the repair bots, Sari, Jazz, the twins, and strangely enough the Decepticons too. Though the rest of the Elite Guard members could care less.

" Yeah, where are they? I hope OP's ok" Jazz asked worriedly. Sentinel just stared at him

" Why do you care about some nobody?" He asked confused. Jazz started to tremble 

" How are you not!?" he all but shouted. That was it as the human saying goes 'the dam broke'

" How do you not care that he might be dying or hurt? He was your friend." Sentinel bristled at the word 'friend' and then said

" Was. The keyword in that sentence is 'was'. As in past tense, as in not anymore". Lugnut looked like he was about to say something, but a sudden blinding light appeared out of nowhere and stopped him. Then a voice rang out

" We are not doing that again". Followed by a faint purr of agreement. When the light dimmed down everyone stared because, standing before them was Megatron, holding and stroking a small, unknown sparkling. He was snuggling in the warlord's chassis, purring with contentment while the warlord wore a soft, happy smile upon his lip plates as he gazed down at the child with a peaceful expression

" Megatron," Ultra Magnus said in a stern voice. But if you listened closely, you could hear a little bit of shock in his tone. Megatron's helm snapped up and the smile was replaced with a snarl.

" Magnus," he growled in return as he held the child in his arm tighter, trying subtly shielding it from the Autobot leader. Unfortunately for Megatron, the Magnus noticed the action

" Put the child down". At this command Megatron bristled in rage

" Never" he spat as if the words were a foul poison while his hold on the child tightened even more but not enough to hurt the youngling

" I've protected, guarded, and raised him since he was two hundred orbital cycles old. I will not give him to you just so you can brainwash him like the others" at that Sentinel laughed

" You a Decepticon, raised a youngling? Hahaha, wow that's funny" he said as he tried to catch his breath

" We're saving him, you Decepticon scum. You're probably turning it into a weapon right now. Without a care in the world as you hurt it. Now hand it over". Suddenly all the Decepticons were at their master's side, seriously it was like they freaking teleported or something

" Lord Megatron will not give you Auto-scum the young one, not now or ever" Lugnut exclaimed quietly but you could hear the defensive tone in his voice

" And if you try, he'll rip your helms off and eat your proto-forms, ahahahahahahah" Random Blitzwing cackled gleefully. With his free servo, Megatron pinched his olfactory sensor

" No, I won't, but I will attack anyone who tries to take him away from me. If it comes to it, I will rip off a helm, if need be. Random, be quiet. You're going to scare him" Megatron growled but stopped when the sparkling whimpered. He gave the Autobots a dirty look before he and the other Decepticons started to coo softly at the youngling, to calm the frightened sparkling down. It looked like he would have a panic attack, the poor thing

The other Decepticons did help raise Optimus, but it was mostly Megatron. Starscream ever like him and tried to........ do I put this lightly? Starscream tried to...dispose of the young one once but he ended up in the infirmary for 2 Earth weeks, now back to da story

Ultra Magnus looked stunned while the other Autobots' jaws dropped at the site of Decepticons cooing at a sparkling. Megatron looked up and you could tell he was getting annoyed

" Wow," he said sarcastically

" It's so shocking to see Decepticons being gentle. I think now would be the best time to start playing his memories"

" Very well." Two mysterious voices boomed from nowhere, startling the others but causing the youngling to laugh happily and clap his hands. A big black screen rolled down from somewhere on the ceiling

 " What's going on!?" Sentinel cried, jumping when two anonymous bots appeared in a cloud of smoke, the smaller one looked angry while the taller one looked calm but when they looked into his optics, they showed anger as well and promised unspeakable pain

" You're all here to see the true back story of your leader," the taller one said. Sentinel sniffed

" And who said you were in charge? And why would we need to know Ultra Magnus's back story?" The smaller blue and white one only smiled, shaking his helm

" Who said it was Ultra's past?" the black and purple one said amused

" You did. You said we were going to learn the true back story of our leader, who is Ultra Magnus." The two just shook their helms

" We're talking about Optimus Pax, or as you know him Optimus Prime."

" Why do we have to find out about his past, of all bots? He's just a coward, and no one important" Sentinel spat in disgust. This must have been the wrong thing to say as the blue and white bot gave a vicious war cry and launched himself, suddenly with a spear in servo at the Prime and he would have made it, if it wasn't for the taller bot.

" Now is not the time, little brother, for losing yourself" he stated calmly. What he said must have worked because the smaller one. Sighing, he returned to the counterpart's side with one last glare. He hissed

" I would hold your glossa if I were you, now just watch and learn the pain Optimus is in" 

With that, they all turned to the screen as it flickered to life, and they all started to wonder just how much they actually knew the red and blue fire truck that some called leader and friend, to others a subordinate, or a not-so-friend-friend. As for the Decepticons, they began to wonder just how bad was the little one's past was, that it caused their leader to unofficially adopt him. Their leader, Lord Megatron, the great slagmaker, the scourge of Kaon, the feared proto form eater, had unofficially adopted a sparkling. And they were strangely a little nervous to find out.

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