Final Confrontation

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The Next Day:


Everyone was going around Lumiose today, it was very busy due to the Kalos league ending just recently. Although there was one group which stood out from everyone, that is of course our main characters with the Plot Armor!


Sorry, But this day everyone was out, Ash was getting questions about pictures

"Now you know how it is being a celebrity." Neo said

"Agreed with that." Paul replied

"You two are no help! Come on Aria help me!" Ash exclaimd

"Sorry Ash, I've dealt with this before, not again." Aria replied smiling

"You all are annoying." Ash said as the group ran away

"Yea, I already deal with this in Alola. I'm not dealing with it more" Neo said

"In Sinnoh it's even worse thanks to the fact that everyone knows I took on Ash Ketchum and almost won. Also because I'm now part of the Elite 4." Paul stated

"You never told me you were Elite 4... did champion change?" Ash asked

"Actually yeah, Flint ended up rematching Cynthia and winning this time, he elected me for the final Elite 4 member due to the sheer toughness I showed in our exhibition match." Paul replied

"Could've told me that before!" Ash exclaimed

"Oh yea, I forgot to mention, I managed to get Top Coordinator." Dawn stated

"And you two thought that now was the best time to tell me while we're being chased by fans!" Ash scowled

"We wanted it to be a surprise!" Dawn exclaimed

"I'll forgive it." Ash said

"Gardevoir come on out and use teleport" Neo commanded

Gardevoir came out of the pokeball and right before the crowd reached the group, they were teleported to an unknown location on a hill, it was safe from fans at least for now.

"Ok, so I just found out, Neo is actually Alola Champion, Paul is a part of the Elite 4 in Sinnoh and Dawn is a top coordinator... WHAT!" Ash shouted

"Yeah, I became Champion of Alola a long time ago, maybe you can come by for a vacation, it is a nice place during the summer... except for certain areas..." Neo trailed off remembering how he had to battle someone at the peak of Mount Lanakila.

"I told you, Flint became champion and then invited me to be the final elite after our exhibition match, I almost won that battle. Maybe revisit Sinnoh at some point" Paul stated

"I became Top Coordinator about around the time right before we came here, I wanted to prove to you that your training helped, and it did!" Dawn said

"Alright, alright I'm calming down, Maybe I will revisit Sinnoh with Aria, maybe we'll go on Vacation in Alola. Who knows what the future holds, as long as the author writes..." Ash said


Ash and the group sat there for a while just chatting, the girls talking about girl things and the boys talking about battling.

"There's this one style of battle in Alola, which was the first round of the league" Neo said

"Really? What is it?" Ash asked

"Battle Royale." Neo replied

"Battle royale?" Paul asked

"Basically you go through a battle using one pokemon against everyone else, and it's every person for themself, you can attack anyone's pokemon, use any moves except for the moves like U-Turn, Baton Pass, etc. Once there were 16 people left in the Battle Royale it ended in the league to continue on. But Normal Battle Royales last until one person has no pokemon left." Neo explained

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