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Poppy immediately woke up. She was panting and sweating and basically a mess. She touched her stomach to see if there was any scaring. There wasn't. There wasn't anything. How did she heal so quickly? 

She looked to her right and saw a boy, sleeping on the very uncomfortable chair. She shook the boy to which he groaned. She shook him harder. Urg, he was always such a heavy sleeper. So she did what she always did that she knew for sure would wake him up. She kicked him in the balls.

"Ow fuck." Riven yelled, immediately standing up from his chair. He was about to take out his pocket knife until he came face to face with the girl. "Poppy."


"Holy shit." The boy immediately wrapped his hands around the girl, engulfing her in a big bear hug. "Holy fucking shit. You're alive. You're here."

Poppy chuckled. "I'm here."

"I thought you died."

The girl released him, staring into his beautiful green eyes. "I thought so too."

The boy pulled the girl into a kiss. Oh how he missed her lips. Kissing a motionless body wasn't something the boy wanted to do, no matter how sad and desperate he was to be with her one last time.

"You missed me that much?"

"Yes. I'm never letting you go now." Riven said, caressing her check. "I really thought I lost you."

"What happened when I was gone?"

"Nothing much. Burned Ones are gone. Bloom killed them all. Probably the one that attacked you and Sam." Riven explained, but the girl couldn't help there was something else he was hiding from her.

"That's it?"

"Well that's the cliff notes version." Riven joked, causing the girl to chuckle. "Oh how I missed your laugh."

"C'mon here." The girl patted the space next to her on the bed. The boy happily joined her, pulling up the blankets. She rested her head on his chest. She can hear his heartbeat and it was beating really quick.

"Since you're alive and breathing, and the Burned Ones are basically gone, does that mean you'll be my girlfriend."

Poppy chuckled and looked at the boy. "Do you want me to be your girlfriend?"

"Hell fucking yeah."

"Then yes. I'll be your girlfriend Riv."

"Hell fucking—."

"On one condition."

Riven groaned. "So fucking close."

Poppy giggled. "You promised me stuffed penguins."

"I'll get you your stuffed penguins." Riven chuckled.

"Then it's a big yes to me."

With that the two didn't really do much sleeping as they explored each other a little bit too well.


Poppy isn't dead!! HAHAHAHA

You wouldn't think I would kill off my baby when we're literally getting a season 2 

Although I did enjoy everyone's reactions from the previous chapters LOL

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