I am gay pt 1

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A/n this is spideypool story (Deadpool and Peter) wade aka dead pool is 16 while Peter is 15. The rest of the avenger are the same sexuality as in the movies just no one is dead. Not my photo. Bold are thoughts

"Wade I am to nervous" I say while pacing in my room. "Petey relax " what if they hate me. What if tony kicks me out. "Pete darling " I turn to look at him "it's gonna be ok" I nod then sit at my desk.

I run my hand threw my brown curls. "Ok so let's go over the plan one more time" I nod "so you ask if I can stay for dinner and during dinner your gonna accidentally call me babe then we tell everyone " I feel my stomach do a summer sault. My breathing starts to speed up.

Faggot, disgusting, they are gonna hate you after this. Your gonna loss everyone. "Pete peter!" Wade kneels in front of my chair. "Shush it's ok" he stands up and hugs me. 'Thud' I turn to look at my door "come in" I quickly wipe my tears. Pepper walks through "dinners ready wade are you staying?"pepper asks "If it's ok" she nods then leaves.

My heart is racing, my breath shallow. "Pete lets go " he takes my hand. When we are there he Lets go. I walk in. The pressure I could feel it pressing down on me. Crushing me. My ears begin to ring. You know what frick it "I am gay and wade is my boyfriend!!" I shout everyone stops and looks at me. Why the heck did I do that. I run to my room grab my suit and go out the window.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2022 ⏰

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