Part 4

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Morning soon came and Dove's back pain had subsided, knowing her wings must have returned, though that wasn't the only added on weight. ''Get. off.''

Loki had been awake for quite a while, about twenty minutes or so, and simply had not wanted to move from this rather comfortable position where half his body was laying on top of hers, being careful not to drop his weight to punch as she remained pinned on her stomach. "Do we have to?" He asked, a slight whine mixing in with his voice, nuzzling her wing affectionately. "You were cold last night, and I couldn't help myself from just sharing some body heat darling." Loki hummed, pressing a soft kiss to her shoulder, almost as if he was in a bit of a daze from using his magic to keep up the watch he had been keeping all night and earned a tense reaction from her below him as she jumped at his sudden action. Honestly this women may drive him crazy in numerous ways, but the reactions he could bring out of her was all the more worth keeping her around.

''i am not getting fired over you now get off! mission remember? casino?'' she nagged and propped herself up on her elbows at least where he sighed and rolled off lazily.

''Fine, I'm up.'' He informed and stretched a little, looking at Dove with nothing but amusement as she quickly got herself up and off the bed away from him, her reddened cheeks slowly subsiding. His eyes dragged over her, noticing a little ruffled patch of feathers that took the place of bedhead she fluffed out with the puff of her wings and made her way to her suitcase.

Dove pulled out her communicator from the bottom of the bag, something she tried not to carry on her all the time when out in public but it was her only contact she had with SHIELD currently. ''gods it's already noon!'' she exclaimed, digging through her bag quickly as Loki remained sitting on the bed. 'Of course it was easy for him to change, lazy magic using god..'

''you can relax a bit Pretty Bird, we know who to look for and most likely he wont be making his way to the casino until later.'' he told her, making her slow down a little as she seemed to be listening. progress.

''if we show up and then immediately start looking around it's going to be suspicious. people need at least a good junk of time at least looking like they are enjoying themselves with drinks and games there. casually hanging out in the area where we can slowly begin our search without causing attention to ourselves.'' she reminded and managed to pull out a little black dress, knee length with heels and didn't bother to look annoyed by the fashion choice considering they had lost a bit of time already.

Loki turned at gr statement, raising an eyebrow up as his eyes did a quick head to toe inspection of her. "I do not think that I will be the one to attract attention dear." He replied smoothly, shifting where he sat before he was now dressed in a nice suite and tie; business man, but with style.

Dove ignored the fact that he ironically made his attire to match what she was going to wear, then again being married why wouldn't they, and headed for the bathroom, a hand taking her wing to stop her in place.

"Do you wish for me to put your wings in like we did yesterday?" He hummed, seeing that she was not too enthusiastic at the idea as it seemed it tended to get a bit tender after a while.

''one step at a time.'' she sighed, pulling her wing free to a folding position behind her before she disappeared into the bathroom.

Killing time, Loki went over to close the curtains a bit better and hid a small smirk at the anticipation of being able to touch her silky feathers again. If circumstances weren't what they were, he was certain she wouldn't have dared anyone to get close to them but happened to notice the fact that there was less death-glare from her at his touch. perhaps she secrets liked it? causing his to smirk all the more at the thought.

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