Chapter 1 another transfer student

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(Takes place after/during reawakened)

Saiki's pov

Another "normal" day as I walk to school with kaido and nendo. Of course I don't really want them here but I leave them be.
"Hey buddy let's go get ramen!" "Stupid nendo! It's 7:30!"
I start to walk faster as nendo and kaido bicker behind me "buddy?" "Saiki? WAS HE TAKEN BY DARK REUNION?!"

I roll my eyes as I walk into class three and sit down. As soon as I sit down I'm bombarded by nuisances. Teruhashi, Toritsuka, Yumehara, Kuboyasu, Hairo, and Mera. Wait toristuka? He's not even in this class?
I shrug it off and ignore my classmates even thought I can still hear their thoughts. Soon enough kaido and nendo come in and they harass me too. Thankfully the teacher comes in and- no. No no no no. Not again. Another transfer student to irritate and annoy me? God really hates me. The teacher begins to talk but of course I already know. "We have a new student from America." The whole classroom starts to whisper to each-other. "Come on in ren." The new student walks in drinking a juice pouch.

Everyone stares at the student until he realizes "ah! Sorry about that American schools are quite different from Japanese schools!" Oh so he can speak Japanese. Well I supposed that makes sense to know a language before you move to a foreign country. I hear him think 'god what's wrong with you ren?!' I also hear other students think things like 'ugh Americans' or 'seriously?'. I personally don't care but they sure do.

Ren bows to the teacher as an apology then he walks up to the board and writes in kanji "Ren Imai" oh so he is Japanese? I hear many thoughts about that. The teacher then tells him to sit down next to- seriously? Of course he has to sit next to me. He doesn't seem to care much about me. That's great. As the teacher starts the lesson I listen to Rens thoughts
'God that was embarrassing. So much for a good first impression.' 'Maybe during break I'll try to make friends.'

-Time skip brought to you by my lazy brain-

It's break now, if ren comes and talks to me I'm going to hurt someone. I watch him scan the room for someone to talk to and he looks at me. Oh god. He starts walking to me but instead of talking to me he goes past me to talk to kaido. "Hi I'm Ren!" "Hello Ren I am the jet black wings!" "Jet...Black..Wings?" Kaido then starts to squeak and ramble about dark reunion nervously while ren sits there and listens closely. Is he actually interested? How strange. Soon everyone gathers around kaidos desk which is next to mine so I leave to go to the bathroom. Using clairvoyance I watch everyone. "So ren, why did you come to Japan?" Kuboyasu asks. "Well my father wanted me to get in touch with my Japanese side so he sent me as an exchange student." "What's it like in America?" Chiyo asks. "It's ok. I came from California and there's fun things to do and stuff." Teruhashi sees everyone around Ren and walks over to talk to him. The crowd clears so she can get through. Ren looks at her for a moment and then stands to shake her hand. 'Ugh, who does this boy think he is? Just shaking a perfect pretty girls hand like me just like that? He didn't even say oh wow!' Teruhashi shakes his hand anyways and all the boy stare at them with anger in their eyes. Ren takes notice of this and sits back down. I look at the time and start walking back to the classroom and sit at my chair. Everyone sits back in their seats and ren slumps down in his chair and thinks 'jeez that was a lot of people' later at lunch most of us walk to the cafeteria. I see Ren's eyes nearly pop out of his head when he see the school lunch options. Kaido and nendo sit at the table I'm at as usual and they call over Ren. I mentally face palm as he walks over. He sits down next to nendo and across from kaido. He stares at his lunch as the rest of the "group" sits with us, minus Teruhashi because; well you know why. Chiyo asks Ren what's wrong and he reply's "oh sorry it's just in American schools we never get lunches like this. It's usually crusty pizza and slimy apple slices-" Everyone cringes including me. Gross. Ren happily eats his food as he thinks 'so does this mean these are my friends? Oh wait I just realized I never spoke to the pink haired kid.' Oh no. "Hi what's your name?" "That's saiki my best pal" nendo answers for me. "Oh! Well hi saiki! I'm sure you know my name already haha" I nod as I continue eating. 'He's not much of a talker is he? Or does he just not like me?' Kaido then tells ren "also don't worry Ren saiki is always quiet." I roll my eyes and finish my food. I stand up and walk back to the classroom. All of a sudden I hear someone behind me. Oh god why is he here? Ren walks up to me and starts talking to me about my frie- group.  "Your friends seem so nice and the food here is so good! (Blah blah blah) I was hoping I could get to know you a little more?" I decide to try my annoyed face once more. He looks at me for a split second and says "oh- sorry I wasn't trying to annoy you.. I'll just leave you alone. I'm very sorry." He bows at me and sits down at his seat and pulls out a book. I won't lie I feel a bit bad. But I just shrug it off and sit down at my table and lay my head down.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2023 ⏰

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