10 real life.

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Mika: done at baggage claim!!

Kimi: 👍🏻

Mika chuckles, a man with not many words. She likes that. She likes that about Kimi the most. She has one suitcase on one hand and the other is holding her backpack, which she forgot to put back on her back. She is happily skipping to the exit of the baggage claim.

She is excited to see Kimi again. In the last week she had been texting him nonstop and showing just how much she actually wants to see him. She can't help but get excited, she knows that Kimi wants to see her too. He had told her that he had wanted to see her a couple of times.

She pulls her maroon red suitcase behind her with a smile on her face, she sees how big the hall is. How is she suppose to find Kimi in this mess of people around this airport. She even has to find the chocolate cafe somewhere in this building, Kimi would be waiting there for her.

She looks around, she has been a couple of times in big airports, hell she even lives in Espoo for her job with her friends. People are bumping into her, her breathing gets hard. She can't seem to he able to breathe anymore.

She doesn't know where she got yer anxiety from or how it started. Her mother always told her that she just had it since she was little. The most people would say the more people the merrier but with her it's the more likely she will have a panic attack.

Tears sting in her eyes as she can't find Kimi. Normally she has a friend travelling with her or more like all of them because Oskari is her trainer and friend, Niina is ger Personal assistant, Levi and Arvo are just coming for fun.

Kimi looks on his phone, it had been twenty minutes since the told him that she left baggage claim. It wouldn't be hard to see the sign of the chocolate cafe. But she is not here, maybe someone held her up.

Kimi decides to stand up to see if he could find her, it would he hard to miss a girl with big green eyes and a mess of blonde curly hair. She probably has something like a leather jacket on, he doesn't know but he can guess.

He noticed a distressed figure in the middle of the crowd, looking like she is lost and can't seem to find him. He puts some money on the table and grabs his stuff. While walking towards her he puts on his winter coat. As he is near her he calls out her name.

"Mika!" Kimi says.

Mika turns to the voice of Kimi, who is walking up to her. She smiles and wipes away the tears, she's not alone anymore. Kimi found her, she is going to be okay. Kimi wraps his arms around her and let her calm down a little bit.

She pulls away and smiles at him, he can't help but chuckle at her outfit. He can see her wearing a pair of black boots that reach until her knees, stuffed with fur to keep her feet warm. A big black coat stuffed with fur too, that reaches to mid thigh. By the looks of how she is dressed, she is scared to get cold even though she lives in Finland.

"You scared to catch a cold?" Kimi asks her.

"Oh! No i just put this coat on in case it would get cold but it would take up all the space in my suitcase, you know?" She giggles a bit.

Kimi shakes his head, he takes the suitcase from her hand and they head to the car that is parked somewhere on the parking lot. It wouldn't be a very long walk to the car, Mika is waving her hands as she is telling Kimi all about the night that she had watched the race, explaining how she had beat all her friends at pooling and darting.

She wants to take Kimi's hand but she doesn't know if he wants that or if he wants the media to find out that he is actually meeting up with her, nor does she want to be thrown into the world of fame by being his girlfriend and getting hate on her for it.

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