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"Where could they possibly be?" Lada asked as she paced back and forth.

We were all gathered in the living room. Awaiting Czar's and Anderi's return. Two hours have passed and we haven't heard a thing from either one of them. I was starting to grow worried.

"Maybe we should go back for them." I said as I stood up from the couch. 

"No, we're safer here." Annika said. 

Alina had been sitting in the corner in a little ball. She hadn't said a word since we got here and I could only imagine what was running through her head at the moment. How scared she must be and how she wished she was anywhere but here.

"You guys can sit and wait around if you want to but I'm leaving." I said. 

I headed towards the door and when I opened it I was surprised to find Anderi and Czar standing outside of it. Czar was covered in blood while Anderi looked clean. Czar's eyes were red and puffy, as if he had been crying.

"What happened? We were worried about you!" Lada said as she rushed over to give Anderi and Czar a hug.

Czar didn't move or return the hug he just stood and waited until Lada had let him go.

"Czar? Are you okay?" I asked.

Nothing, he said nothing. Instead he walked into the house and down into the basement, shutting the door behind him.

"I think it's best if we leave him alone for right now." Anderi said.

I turned to look at him. "What the hell happened back there?" I asked.

Anderi shook his head. "I was wrong, Czar was strong enough to kill him. He's just not strong enough to handle the pain that comes after."

I looked at the basement door and felt an overwhelming urge to go to Czar and to comfort him. But I shook it off.

Anderi walked into the house. "I managed to get into contact with the Alina's relatives. Tomorrow we will take her to her Aunt, in San Francisco." 

"You never discussed this with me." Annika said as she crossed her arms.

"What is there to discuss? You gave up your rights a long time ago, and our lifestyle isn't fit for a kid. She can't stay with us." Anderi said.

"I deserve a say!" Annika argued.

"You deserve nothing! Look at what you just put us through!" Anderi began to shout.

"Let's all just calm down." Lada said.

"No! I refuse to sit here and listen to her bitch and moan when everything that happened these last few months has been her fucking fault. You killed your own mother!" 

Tears welled up in Annika's eyes. "You had no idea-"

"Shut the hell up Annika, and be lucky you're Czar's sister or else you would be dead right now."

Annika shook her head and stormed out of the house. No one chase after her.

I sat on the couch beside Alina, who looked a little shake up.

"Hey, you must be tired, would you like to take a nap?" I asked.

"W-will I be safe?" She asked.

"Yes, nothing bad will happen to you here." I offered her my hand

She was hesitant at first but she eventually took my hand. I lead her up the stairs while Lada and Anderi sat down stairs to discuss what we would do next.


"If that man was my real daddy....why did he want to hurt me?" Alina asked.

I had tucked her into one of the guest rooms. She had made me promise I would stay until she fell asleep. But her eyes were wide and alert and she seemed tense.

"He was sick, he had gone through a lot of things that made him that way." I explained.

"And that lady....she's my mom?" She asked.

I nodded. "Yes she is."

"Why didn't they keep me?" 

I took a deep breath.

"Sometimes, when you love someone very very much you have to choose what is best for them. And what they did for you. Living with your other mommy and daddy was the best thing that they could give you to make sure you grew up safely."  I explained.

"B-but now they're dead." She cried.

I took her into my arms and rain my hand through her hair.

"I know and I'm sorry..and I know how many times I say sorry It can't bring them back. Just know that they died loving you and that they always will."

"I'm going to miss them." She whaled.

There was nothing more I could say or do besides hold her in my arms and let her cry it out. Eventually she stopped crying and went limp in my arms. I could hear her silent snores and I slowly lowered her back down to the bed before tucking her in again. I tip toed out of the room and shut the door quietly behind me, taking a deep breathe as I place my forehead on the door.

"Is she sleeping?" a voice asked.

I turned my head to find Czar, his eyes were still red and puffy.

"Yes, she is." I sighed. "I feel so terrible, the things she's seen and the pain we've caused her."

"I wish we would have gotten there sooner." Czar said. 

"Me too."

We stood in silence for a few seconds, neither one of us saying anything. I could hear Czar's breathing and I could feel his warmth radiating off of him. Suddenly everything just felt like too much and I needed to leave.

"I'm going to Darcey's workshop. I need to get a few designs finished." I said to him.

"Would you like me or a guard to come?" He asked.

"No, no. I just want to be alone." 

I didn't wait for him to say anything before I started to walk away. I just needed to be alone and with my thoughts for a little. 


Don't forget to comment, vote, and share. Until next time my lovelies. 

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