Zenitsu's love

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Author's POV

You saw it. Saw it all the time, how his honey brown eyes always searched for her. How he talked to her more than you. How he would always call her name lovingly, "Nezuko-chan!". You couldn't help but feel jealous of her [and even hate her a bit]. At first, you had thought that because of his cowardly nature, you had nothing to worry about him getting stolen by other girls from your crush towards him. But you were wrong.

"Nezuko-chaaan!". Ugh. Yet again, that sweet voice calling that cursed name. You've had enough of him calling that name again and again. Would it hurt him to call you like that once? "Nezuko-chaaan!" You gritted your teeth before turning back and holding him by the collar of his yukata and pulling him closer. "She's at the washroom, would you follow her there too?!?", you lied, unknown of where the hell she was. You just wanted him to stop cooing that name. He had a light shade of pink on his cheeks with a nervous expression on his face before he could reply.

"N-no Y/n-chan. I mean, Y/n-san. I-it's just that I-I was searching f-for N-Nezuko-chan."

"Oh? I thought you were searching for a cow!"


"You know what? Just get lost already!" you said, pushing him away, storming out of the garden.

Y/n's POV

He's just a confused nincompoop. He'll never understand my feelings. Oh, why, of all boys, did I have to fall for Zenitsu? My heart ached as if I just said something very wrong. I did something wrong. My eyes widen from realization over the fact that he had an unrealistic power of hearing and that he could even hear people's thoughts if he tried hard. I palmed my forehead and ran back to my Emergency room in the Butterfly Estate, blushing like a tomato. Enough training for today.

Zenitsu's POV

Why did Y/n-chan burst out like that? The sound she let out reminded me of my senpai [Kaigaku] *shudders* but it also had another feeling, like she's frustrated, helpless and.... loving?! Who did she love? Definitely not me. She must've daydreamed over someone else, like Tanjiro, when I disturbed her. *Sighs* I really hope that she hasn't fallen for him. At least, not yet. I really have to get my act up together and confess to her before somebody else takes her away. My dear Y/n-chan. I'm going right now to Nezuko-chan so that she can make me practice and give some tips on how to express my feelings to Y/n-chan. Oh dear, Y/n-chan really pulled me close to her beautiful face like OMG. I really thought that I'd blow up! Oh, there's Nezuko-chan!

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