Meeting An Ally

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But guess I'm wrong


I ran and ran till the sunset and I reached a busy town with a lot of light and people even in the dark night. I, having been born and raised in the village and now a half-demon, found this really stressful. My nose being flooded with the diverse scents of different humans, it took me all of my willpower to not kill and feast on an innocent human. At one point, I decided to give up and eat a human. There are many humans here, taking away one won't hurt, my feral brain concluded.

At that moment, a shower of beautiful flowers and patterns surrounded me, blocking my view of the busy town. The flowers and patterns created a path in front of me toward two men who look like they were wrestling. I went towards them.

The boy, who I noticed on closer view, was actually restraining a... demon?! That boy is actually stronger than he looks...

Suddenly he turned his head towards me and I saw his beautiful yet terrified eyes looking at me.

"Please, don't attack me. Help me, this man has turned into a demon." How did he understand that I was a demon?!

I saw the boy's uniform underneath his checkered haori and recognized it as the Demon Slayer Corps' uniform. No wonder he was this strong...

Instinctually, my hand went towards my wrist and scratched it hard enough to make blood flow steadily from the wound I created. It didn't hurt as much as I thought it would.

"Blood Demon Art: Soothing Rain", you let your blood flow and fade into thin air, and almost suddenly a small raincloud formed on top of the man and the woman as it gently drizzled rain on them, apparently the woman was the man's lover as she kept calling him "dear", and the victim of a bite from the man. Soon enough the man and his lover calmed down and fell asleep.

All this time, the boy with the beautiful dark red eyes stared at me, astonished. I don't remember what kind of face I had at that time, but still, I don't think my reaction to this was any different from his.

I knew about the most basic things about demons like the fact that they can't get out in the sun, they can only be killed by cutting their head off with a nichirin blade, some of the demons get blood demon arts, and similar things like that. But how can I, a half-demon and somebody who hasn't eaten a single human, get a blood demon art? I thought. But I'm not ungrateful about this, cause it means that I'm more powerful than other demons.

I saw a demoness and a demon coming towards us with the demonesses' arm scratched and the blood flowing from her wound just like mine. The flowers and patterns must be from her blood demon art.

Yet again, instinctually, I stood in front of the boy taking a protective stance. I've had a deep respect for demon slayers ever since I was a tween and always heard of the news of brave demon slayers risking their lives to slay demons.

Slay demons.

Wait, why didn't he slay me?! I'm a demon, well, a half-demon to be exact, but still a demon nevertheless. It can't be because he doesn't know that I'm a demon, as he begged me not to attack him and to help him. But then I guess I unconsciously trusted him as his eyes held no evil, no dark, just pure helplessness, and hope.

"You still use the term "person" to refer to even a transformed demon, and you're trying to save him. And you [looks at you] helped him, a demon slayer, even though you're a newly transformed demon and haven't completely gained control over your actions... Allow me, to lend you two a hand", the demoness spoke with a dreamy voice.

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