Leonardo's POV

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When I saw her drinking by herself at the bar, I couldn't resist talking to her. People say there was something mysterious in seeing a person eating or drinking by themselves. One always feel pity for them but would also admire them for their courage.

The girl in the lavender gown caught my attention, nursing her drink and talking to the bartender. Her smile wavered and unknown to her, the mask of pretense she wore slid off. She gulped down the amber-colored liquid from her glass, cringing her face. Her throat bobbed twice and hissing air between clenched teeth, she looked around.

"How bad were the drinks at the reception if the bridesmaid feels the need to hit another bar?" I blurted, unaware of how I decided to talk to someone whose sole intention seemed to be avoiding everyone she knew.

"Sorry. Did I inconvenience you in some way?" She didn't hesitate for a moment, riled up by my intrusion.

Something in her eyes, mirth and anger scared me. Women usually found my interruption charming. She found it challenging.

While I gestured for her to return to her drink, apologizing for the intrusion, she decided it was time to declare war over me.

"I'm sorry for what I said. I don't believe in disturbing someone who's drinking by themselves."

"Great! A man o' principles. So whzzdoyou bel...believe in?"

I tried my best to refrain from talking further. The fire in her eyes sizzled with every breath I took. If I spoke further, she would surely slit my throat with words, if not deeds.

"I'd tell you but..." I turned, watching her narrowed our distance, towering over my seated self. "Your state indicates you need water, not words."

"So sober I am."

"Walk then, Yoda. In a straight line."

I knew that would do the trick. She was sloshed to know any kind of walking attempt would only result in her falling and breaking a few bones. Resting my back on the barstool, I waited for her surrender.

The next thing I saw was sparkling shoes handed over to me. She slid off her heels, the stem of which was sure to give anyone a hip displacement if worn for long. I didn't even know her name yet, there I was, helping her to walk and finish her challenge.

Hovering behind her as if I was prepared to break her fall, I became her shadow. Gabe, the bartender, snapped his fingers and directed me to take care of her while he served drinks to a new group of people.

Unsure of Gabe's relationship with her, I decided to help. After all, my first day back from the mission shouldn't be the day I'd make the news of breaking a girl's bones in a bar after having challenged her.

Empty beer glasses kept on the table toppled and fell as she bumped into them. She was high as a kite yet, decided to act sober. Something about her, about the way she wasn't ready to play the damsel even while drunk off her senses made me smile. I adored the way she tried walking back, stumbling over me and filling my senses with her lavender scent infused with alcohol.

Something innate and protective rose from the depths of my gut. Leaving her stranded at the bar with the night drawing weird men into the bar wasn't comforting my conscious.

I tried rationalizing with her, letting her know the present state would only invite more trouble. She didn't listen to me, about my idea of getting her to become sober.

Fishing out my license for her satisfaction, I prayed for her to not be aware of my last name. She did and I decided to lie about the Brenton name and its role in my life.

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