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Some people just don't appreciate what we do. Despite out efforts, they just belittle it and push it aside like it was nothing. This how Ali felt. He felt useless, weak, pathetic, a disgrace, like a pile of garbage, a burden, a threat. For years he tried to please everyone to the point where it becomes a severe negative upon himself.

No one gives a damn, no one cared, no one wants to know. His suffering, the nightmares he faced, the toxic he has to swallow.

Ali tried befriending the Academy students, but all he got were death glares, jeers, mocks and insults. Viktor was his true and only friend besides Comot. Never once they abandon him in times of need. He's grateful for it. But the bad seems to get the better of him. Ever since Misi:Neo the MATA agents blamed him for the damage that the assault have caused and Ali is indeed involved in it at some point but he was manipulated while being vulnerable.

"You're in no rights to leave the MATA facilities unless ordered to. If you were to disobey, you'll be exterminated!" Othman declared, after returning to govern the city he became more.... "self aware". Walls were built around the city to prevent threats, those are unintelligent and are in poverty shall be kicked out. All because of the all-out-attack on the highly influnced man.

Ali became the "bad example" in the Academy, often been used as a terrible idol to inspire the other young agents to not be like the Tekno boy. Stuck in umderground facilities, his death faked, getting pressured and punished without any form of justice and worst of all tortured physically by some agents. Examples are ; being used as a punching bag.

Slap thud whack

All he can do is simply take the hits from Mika in her mecha suit. The pain unbearable and indescribable! Blood oozing from the poor boy's nose and mouth, his cheeks swollen, his forehead has cuts and bleeding furiously.

"Pl-" His pleas were ignored and the punching and kicking goes nonstop.

"Thanks for the free service 'Super Agent, see 'ya" Mika smirked as she leaves the room. Immediately, a droid entered, carrying one of the Enchancers Agent Geetha made. Instantly using it on Ali to quicken the healing process as the droid applied some ointment on the injuries. Hydrogen peroxide isn't pleasant when poured onto open wounds and cuts. Pain that the boy grew accustomed to. It still stings but Ali barely registered it at this point. Restraints, beat up, treatment, repeat.

The routine that engraved onto Ali's mind.

"Just let me die already. I'm tired of the beating!" Ali suddenly bursted. Desperate to leave this endless nightmare torture.

No one was there to listen. Room monitered only by AI. No mercy. No forgiveness



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