💛A little slip up💛

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Hello first time writing smut woooo this is gonna give me a heart attack let's see how long it takes my to throw my phone across the room!
TW: Bondage kink, very small bit of degradation and praise kink, deep throating and of course sexy time
Requested by:DarkBunnyXoXo

~Sun's POV~

It's been an around 3 hours since the kiddos left, and I've already cleaned the daycare and got almost full change, 85% to be exact!
So now I had nothing to Moony went to do is patrol things, so I'm alone in the daycare, I ended up swinging around on the bridge connecting 2 of the play structures, I screwed up one of my swings and ended up getting tangled up and anytime I tried to get out it made the situation worse so I was in a very awkward position, my half way up to my knees and spread from each other, hands and arms tied above my head and shoulders, stomach up to my chest. I gave up on trying to get out on my own I needed to what for Moon to come back, this will very be embarrassing for me..

~Moon's POV~

I just got back from my patrol, I was slightly worried when Sunny didn't immediately come running to tackle me "Sunny I'm back, where are you Sunshine?" And the response I got was a tiny whine and sunny saying
"Moony help, I'm on the bridge.." in a very soft way so I whent up to the bridge, only to see him tied down, whimpering, blushing and begging for help, god damn why did this turn me on so much? I just stared at him for awhile just taking it in, must've noticed that I was starting since he throw his head back then quickly snapped his head in another direction to avoid eye contact, I walked over to him knelt down in front of him and placed a hand on the lower part of his stomach then moved it to his waist rubbing him up and down, he was now watching every movement I make he was trying to hide the fact that he was getting hard from this with his knees but he couldn't sense he was tied up, I used my free hand to massage his thighs letting that hand run up my Sunshine's body up from his thigh to his neck rubbing then squeezing softly, at this point he was a whimpering mess, face bright red and squirming slightly, and haven't even done that much to him. At this point in time my Sunny is rock hard slight incoherent begs, so, me, feeling nice today, just put my hand that was rubbing his waist on his dick rubbing it slowly
",haa~Moony please~" he moaned quietly "please what, sunshine~?" I purred grinning down at my pretty little mess, he whimpered and looked away taking my hand off his throat, I grabbed his chin and made him look at me "don't look away. Tell me what do you want sunshine~?" I took my hand off his member, "Moony, please continue ruining me please I want more~" as he was speaking I got an idea, "how about this if you deep throat me I'll make sure you feel way better then me just rubbing my hand on your cock, sound good?" "Mhm" "sunshine I'm gonna need you to actually speak" "I-I, yes" "hmm, good boy~" I moved myself up a little bit so my knees were closer to his armpits, and so I took off my pants and boxers
He just stared at my dick for a moment, eyes wide, breath hitched, and face bright red "well are you just gonna stare at it or you gonna get to it sunshine~?" That seemed to snap him back to reality, dick wiggled in front of his face, he licked the tip quickly, he put the tip in his mouth swirling his tongue around it sucking slowly, I groaned and dropped my hips causing him to deep throat me, he gagged on me, I pulled my hips back and snapped my hips back into his throat, he started tiered up "awe baby don't cry you look very cute like this sunshine~" he opened his eyes slightly they were half litted he looked away from my eyes to my dick that was sliding in and out of his mouth, I couldn't help but moan I felt a knot start forming in my stomach, my sunshine moaned on my dick, and that pushed me over the edge, I came as deep in his throat as I could moaning then pulling out of his mouth.
He turned his head started coughing up my cum, I moved back to his pants and tore them off he yelped and turned his attention back to me slightly surprised, looked up at him as I grinded on him "may I?" "Mhm~" "speak brat." "OOH~ MY GOD, Y-YES, PLEASE J-JUST FUCK M-ME!" That beg made me chuckle "will do sunshine" and with that I slammed into him "AAHAHAAA~MOO-NY~" then slowly pulled out and slammed back into him and repeat that, I leaned down to his neck and kissed his neck leaving little love marks all over him, "M-MOONY F-FAST-ER P-PLEASE G-GOD PLEEASE~" god he sounds so cute and with a request like that, I mean how could I say 'no', so I sped up, sense my beautiful sunshine deserves, it's a reward if you will honestly for just exist oh and sucking me off but that's besides the point,the point is my wonderful sunshine deserves the world, no, the whole damn universe! At the moment my lovely sunshine's eyes had rolled into the back of his head, his back arched, basically screaming in pleasure, obviously close and I'd be a liar if I said I wasn't too, my thrush more sloppy but they were harder "MO-ONY I-I'M C-CLO-SE~" heh he's so cute "well then what are you waiting for? Go on, cum for me my sunshine~♡" "M-MOONY" he came all over my and his chest his stomach, I bit him on the collarbone as I felt him tighten from cuming, almost directly after he finished I did too.
He slumped over clearly tired, I untied him and I carried him to the bathroom got us cleaned up and got out my secret stash, it was just filled with stuff to make a pillow fort, an ungodly amount of snacks and of course fizzy-faz and if I'm honest I really don't get why sunny likes it so much, so there's also things like orange juice and flavored water, I had to put my sunshine down to get my secret stash and make the pillow for and this will sound dramatic but just putting him down made me feel uncomfortable and upset so I tried to be as fast as possible without any risk of casualties, soon enough I was cuddling my beautiful, amazing, lovely, sunshine as he passed out on my chest♡

But I'll need to get up so I can close the daycare, get sunny some pain killers and food. Though for now I will try to forget about that and savor this moment I have..


God we love moondrop being sapy it's great also ✨aftercare is important✨
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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2022 ⏰

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