Part 100

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"What Manik?" asked Nandini seeing him in deep thoughts. She knew he was figuring out things and wanted to share and she was all ears.

"Nandini whatever happened, whatever is happening, whatever Navya is doing either for good or for bad, it has made me realize that I am so uncertain in the present times" said Manik looking at her and the road simultaneously.

Nandini was not able to figure out his words completely but she knew what direction he was thinking in.

"Okay, and?" asked Nandini. She knew there was more to it. She knew he had more to say.

"Lets sit by the sea please" said Manik looking at the waters from his window. What sea was to Manik and what cool winds was to Nandini, no one could really understand the depth it held. Seas , the waters , the rivers they have no start and no end it's all connected together in a cycle. Nothing is more flexible than water and yet no one can resist it. No one can ever resist its path, blocking the path of sea would only result in it making another way for itself. It taught Manik that so is life, when there are hurdles, one should pave new paths and walk on them. It soothed him , inspired him the most after stars, and stars soothed him the most after Nandini.

"Lets go" said Nandini as she instantly hopped out of the car leaving back her slippers, what fun is it when you are on the beach and not barefoot? Manik instantly chuckled at how excited she was not because she had a lot of fascination for beaches but because Manik loved them. He would always discover a new reason to love this girl more everyday.

The two walked beside each other . Manik had his hands in his pocket and Nandini walked beside him with folded arms looking at him , waiting for him to speak.

"Nandini , don't get me wrong okay? I am not saying that we need to leave our family or our house, I mean that Navya today just made me realize that the house I live in is mine yes but then it is also not mine. I do not have anything which is mine. Anyone can throw me out from the work I do, from the house I live in" said Manik as he sat down on a rock cliff facing the city lights and Nandini sat resting her back on his.

"Okay, I get you. But why would anyone throw you out from your own house Manik? Mamma and Dad would never do that" said Nandini.

"I am not saying that they would do anything as such , but then we also did not know that Navya would do something as terrible as this. We never know the future Nandini . So incase that happens, I have no backup in my life. " said Manik

"What do you want to do Manik?" asked Nandini as Manik got up and passed his hand to her to get down.

"Nandini, I want to work on my own business, I want to have my own house irrespective of problems that we are having in the family." said Manik . Nandini was baffled hearing him

"Are you saying that you want us to leave separately? Away from family?" asked Nandini

"No no, not at all. We are not leaving our family Nandini but I just want to have things that belong to me, to us. It's high time that I stop living on dad's hardwork, it still is a fact. He never lets me work too much which is wrong. I want to work for myself, for us." said Manik putting forward his thoughts clearly. It was not that he was thinking of abandoning the house due to Navya, he just wanted to stand on his feet, alone. Nandini wrapped her hands around his arms .

"And where will you begin from?" asked Nandini

"You already know I am working on a project in London and no one knows apart from you, not even dad. That is solely my earnings, my ideas . I want to sincerely work on that idea now." told Manik

"And you can surely not do that from India. You want to shift to London?" asked Nandini unsure.

"That's the plan" said Manik as he looked at Nandini who was deep in thoughts. He stopped making her stop as well .

"Nandini, the last decision will be yours okay? Only if your work can also be managed or shifted there, I promise then only we will go." said Manik relieving Nandini instantly. She smiled at him as he opened the car door for her and the two got in.

Nandini was happy that Manik was thinking of doing something independently but the thought of leaving India , was stressing her out.

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